Today I have mainly been V5.0 (Part 3)

Continuing the discussion from Today I have mainly been V5.0 - #10117 by stu.

Previous discussions:

Losing at tennis this afternoon to Sam :rofl:.


Out and about in Brighton tonight on my way to a gig


Sold old car (Xsara Picasso, owned nearly 14 years and 111000miles). New owner a nice chap who will replace the sills and hopefully get several years use from it. Rather sad to see it go,


Today in Bluesky algorithm world I’m really into lesbian comic art and anime, and I’m all over K-pop like an absolute rash :man_facepalming:

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Dismantling a £40 plastic Lidl POS leaf blower.

SiL #2 bought it last month (God knows why) snapped part 2 into part 3 before realising that she should have snapped part 1 into part 2 first, and her hands were neither big enough nor strong enough to unsnap it.

So it’s been left in NI for ol’ clown hands to pull apart.


edit: got a bit of mileage on WhatsApp tho

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Spent 40 minutes cycling all 5 tyres on the Landy round one position, spare to rear, rear to front same side, front to rear opposite side, rear to front same side, front to spare. Repeat anually.


Are you going to time yourself and try to do it faster each time😁?

Like “It’s a knock out “ with Eddie Waring doing the time keeping


An interesting walk out yesterday.

We’ve started from Meldon dam before but last time we headed East up to Yes Tor (highest point in Southern England) whereas this time we walked around the SE side of the reservoir & on up the West Okement river towards the centre of the moor (not that we got quite that far).

Despite it having been a particularly wet summer on Dartmoor the reservoir looked pretty low. Maybe indicative of how little investment has been made in tangible infrastructure (ie new reservoirs) while the likes of South West Water have been raking off the shareholder dividends.

Never seen as many Rowan berries as were out here.

Heading up the valley to the first of a couple of lush wooded areas.

Looking back

Further up the valley we come to Black a Tor copse.

This is another example of a very rare habitat, ancient oak woodland of which there are 3 examples on the moor the most famous being Wistman’s wood. They are usually up sheltered valleys fairly high up & have short gnarly oaks growing amongst mossy boulders & lots of lichen strewn amongst the branches. They are magical places though & the remoteness of Black a Tor means you usually have it to yourself.

At the end of the wood we’re deep in a valley with a steep, tall side to the West. It’s the site of a catastrophic WW2 plane crash. In December 1943 a Liberator bomber being operated by the US Navy out of Dunkeswell (near Honiton) set out with another on a mission to bomb German navy destroyers in the Bay of Biscay. They didn’t find their target and returned to Devon dodging some German fighters on the return trip. But somehow the pilot, navigating above low cloud by dead reckoning, at 1500 ft, miscalculated his position by 30-40 miles despite being in radio contact with the base and ploughed into the top of the ridge with the wreckage tumbling down the side of the valley. 10 airmen were killed & are commemorated on a stone on the ridge above.

There are still patches of wreckage on the hillside opposite. We could see silver coloured metal pieces in places but couldn’t easily cross the river there to look more closely. It really needs a walk coming down from the other side.

Not my pictures

Full account here.

We had lunch then turned & headed back down the valley.

Back through the woods

Back to the reservoir

and the dam from above

Thinking about the plane crash was sobering. It’s a bleak spot & the navigational tools available to pilots have advanced so much in the last 80 years. But the walk was great & the copse is well worth a visit.


Lovely looking walk Guy. I don’t know that part of the moor at all.

Ribbon urge is strong.

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Fabulous, as usual :ok_hand:

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Running a kind of bootleg Genius Bar for Northern Irish pensioners.

Find and print out my boarding passes, unfuck my phone etc.

A fairly solid stream of earnest deputations all afternoon.


Pootling my way down to New Holland and having a nose. Would have been rude not to stop, Ilkley.


I call this one ‘Aftermath of a Visit by @BobC’:

AKA ‘Abattoir Irregulars vs. Pinchbeck Lokel Yokals’ - a clear victory for the 'Toir who finally packed in drinking ALL the things at 03:30 in the morning, wheras the Yokals bailed-out at quarter to nine the previous evening :joy:

Bob is forgiven for drinking ALL my Port by dint of arriving with a stunning array of Betty’s Tearoom’s finest :dizzy: :anger: :100: :anger: :dizzy:

I was still pissed when I waved Bob off at 8.30 :grimacing:



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It’s all true, fantastic time was had, especially when Sam found the hidden bottle of Port. :grinning:

Last thing i can remember is telling Paul not to worry if he heard me up and around in the middle of the night as my sleep patterns are all over the shop. Hadn’t realised it was already half three in the bloody morning.

had a great time at the landrover show at Beaver Castle and picked up the canvas Baker Tent.


Yesterday was Tourist Day…

Took the tacky tourist train through the Old Town, around the Castile, to the harbour, then return…

Stumbled around the cobbled streets…

Lunch (see other thread) then back to the pool.

Evening spent in the old Town harbour…


Where’s that Terry? I missed it.

Rethymno, Crete.

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