Today I have mainly been V5.0 (Part 3)

Groan !

Beautiful Wednesday morning.


I’ve decided to not waste my time attempting to decipher the Facebook T&Cs.

I was called a “fucking liberal Nazi” by a Facebook user. Meh. So? But for shits & giggles I reported the post. (As an aside, the user claims to live in Ascot, UK, and the post I made was a measured and polite response to someone else about an American Orange rampaging through the US legal system.)

5 days later…

Looks like Facebook has become something of a free for all.


Twitter “Free Speech” and Trump have given precedence to fck taking any responsibility for what’s posted on your platform save some cash, sack your mods and leave it to AI. It’s not going to end well.

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This did indeed turn out to be the case, and I think they’ve run into significant problems, there are now five massive holes and nobody on site. The south circular looks like @edd9000’s dog has been at it.


Yesterday before my A&E dramas I was mainly fitting brick slips. The original brickwork was not the best visually so gone for the rustic brick look. Came out pretty well considering. Mortoring skills tbc at a later date.


Entertaining Sussex plod :+1:


Nice to see Dom out and about, and relaxed!!

Have you made a citizens arrest? He’s stolen your chair!


Serve a Section 144.

It was all just a trick. Jim is now in custody and I have had to seize his speakers and will be looking after them until the lengthy court case finishes


A trumped up charge, obvs …


At the park for the first time since storm Eowyn. Very sad to see so much destruction.

Was an interesting session, completely agree with what you said in the DAC thread, the streamer is nice, the nagra cd better and vinyl best.

The audio note DAC introduced a hum issue so it was hard to hear what it did tbh. But it definitely took the edge off that the streamer had, but the cd and vinyl doesn’t have. But not worth the money for the difference

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Finally got round to culling the streaming stuff

cancelled Netflix, Paramount+, Disney+, Amazon and knocked the Sky sports off and dropped much of the crap

Saved £47 on cancellations and £68 on sky so a monthly saving of £115

Never thought I’d hear myself say this but Sky were really helpful with no bullshit about keep this or reduce that etc.

Always refused to have Sky when that cunt Murdoch owned it but it appears to have improved massively.


Today I completed my first week in my first new job in 16 years. Incredibly, I have enjoyed it, despite longer hours than I have ever done.

My colleagues all seem like normal human beings, unlike the characters I endured for so long working with the military.

Maybe there is life in the old dog yet. After 9 months of unemployment I was starting to think that I was unemployable.


Go you! :fist:

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Result !

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Result if you can remember 20% of the people you were introduced to.

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There are only about 15 of us so I think I have a chance. :grinning:

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