Today I have mainly been V5.0

Cleaning the conservatory :frowning_face:

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Great pictures :+1:

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I’ll let Sam’s know - she’s handy with a camera :ok_hand:

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They’re stunning.

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It’s a very beautiful place. I grew-up nearby and took it all for granted. Seeing it with new eyes now decades later. Sam had never been here before and thought everywhere Down South that isn’t Cornwall was basically one huge urban conurbation full of cockneys stabbing one-another… :laughing:

Enquiring minds need to know if the Square & Compass is still as odd/strange/good as it was 25 years ago.

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I’m hoping-and-praying the weather holds so we can walk there soon. I last went sometime in the 2000s, no reason to suppose it’s changed much - locals in the Black Swan last night were “you must go”-ing it up before we all got turfed-out in favour of diners… :joy:

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I went a few times when we lived in Weymouth. It was hard to be sure whether there were any staff there. Pasties would just materialise on a counter. I can’t recall actually choosing or buying drinks at a bar but we did get nice pints somehow. There was a small front room full of books/records and a cat sleeping in there that appeared to have wandered in. As uncommercial a venture as it’s possible to imagine.

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That sounds exactly right - my recollection is of obtaining beer somehow that eludes me now, a hole in the wall perhaps? And getting home in the possession of several jars of the best-tasting honey I’ve ever had. And more dogs than people milling around.

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Meanwhile in rural Northern Ireland the MiL has just had her broadband upgraded for, like, the fourth time :angry:

Thought most places in London could now get the VM Gig1 service?

TBH I don’t know. I’m a bit of a cheapskate and also won’t countenance new cabling into the house, so it’s mostly self-inflicted.

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Eventually you will have to countenance new cabling into the house when the copper gets switched off and replaced with fibre. You might as well get it done now. I’m paying £17.99 for 150 up and download - it normally runs at just under 160 though.



When are they actually going to do that?

We have fibre in the town now, all run to the base of the poles. If I want fibre to the house then I have to take out an ultra fast conection contract with my ISP at double the price, they then come and run fibre from the pole to my house.

I have already switched off my phone as I never used the thing.

When this all started I thought Open Reach were going to run fibre to the house, turns out that’s not the case.

Dec 2025

A large % of exchanges are already under a stop sell so ordering new copper based broadband (adsl) may not be possible though.

That’s ok, I’ve already switched mine off.

Still can’t beleive that the fibre roll out didn’t get it to my house though, fucking cheapskates.

They aren’t rolling out fibre to everyone. Broadband will still be delivered over copper but it won’t be adsl based or have the analogue phone service. If you give a shit google SOGEA or SOTAP.

I’m migrating 400x sites and 1300 lines over to the new services at the moment and its a fucking nightmare (BT are useless cunts)

They’ve rolled out our to our town, just can’t understand why they didn’t terminate at the house.

Obvious opportunity for ISPs to price gouge.

Watching church types on the news explaining that just because 37% ticked the no religion box in the census it doesn’t mean they aren’t Christian.

Um, yep, that’s exactly what it means.