Tools you have bought/desire

Consumers we are and consumers we shall always be. Our only function is to provide offspring who consume at a higher rate. I know this yet I yearn for one.


No idea how good there are, but Rutlands stuff is normally ok. BOGOF on (very) comprehensive screwdrivers sets here:

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Looks a bargain

Got a new tool of sorts, any guess what it does?

Router attachment for putting lines in a fret board or summut?

Toilet - trebuchet


Portable glory hole?

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Nope, already got one.

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A gentleman’s pursuit

For shaping the curve on a fretboard?

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Is there anything available other than using a pillar drill (next thing on my list) to align a hand drill at exactly 90° vertically? If there is I need one.

Look up drill guides. Might not be perfect, but could be close enough.

Tbh this would probably do me for now

A hack is to take 2 bits of planed wood, say 2 x 2 with square cut end on One of them. Glue together on the length so one is set back from the other, there is your 90 guide. You could even use that to drill a guide hole through another bit of wood, there’s another guide.


Paul sellers does that, works a treat ime.

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Cheap but hopefully effective.