Tools you have bought/desire

The pleasing thing here I guess, is that you’ve already tried.

I’m disappointed you haven’t had your fingers shaved down so you can.



£102 today @BobC :grinning:


And £93 today. :man_shrugging:

Thete are crimpers and then bigger crimpers. Got these for Batt terminals and the like.


Haha, I bought some of those big bois a few years back by mistake - they looked smaller in the picture :rofl:

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Bet you still kept them though, better to have a tool and not need it than need a tool and not have it :slight_smile:

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Use some sizeable ones winding things like this:

Yes, of course. Gotta feed my inner tool hoarder. :grinning:


A few additions, bog standard set of deep sockets 3/8 drive, rivnut tool kit and a nice set of Wera Joker open ended spanners.


Question for those with wood skills…

What do I use to join two pieces of 2x4, assuming I can only access the inside of the 45 degrees angle and the front side? I can’t get a screw in, as the angle is too acute.

Is there something like a big strong staple?

A picture would be worth at least a thousand words (assuming they were more words like those words).


Fair point.

That’s roughly what the junction will look like. I have no access from any of the sides to shove a screw in.

If it’s not going to be seen you could use a flat bracket on top, If it is, you might need to dowel and glue it.

It’ll be covered in plasterboard. I guess a flat bracket would work if it’s thin

Can it not just be fixed to the surface then the same way as the other batten? Why do they need to be connected to each other?

Could do, I just thought there might be a clever way to do it with some kind of hammer-in thing

You could use a worktop joining clamp or suchlike but would be a lot of unnecessary hassle if you are boarding it. Just bang a blob of CT1 on at the joint and fix to the surface as per the one already in place, job done.


Pilot hole>then countersink attachment >,then screw