I’ve been looking at knife sharpeners for a while and have become befuddled by the variety and cost. May I ask why you opted for these over others, especially as you have a professional interest rather than me who just wants to sharpen the kitchen knives. Thanks
I have often wondered whether all the hype about these was justified…
Saw this set on Amazon
and have now watched a few YouTube clips. Both kits seem excellent. But which to go for?
Just bought a mitre saw and this for demolishing pallets
Japanese foo oil? I’m in! Intrigued by the sent… Would rather geisha than Sumo
I’d be very wary sharpening your valuable scissors using rods Ritchie. They potentially remove a lot of material so can consequently drastically reduce the life of the blade.
Wet stones are a far better option in the long run and produce a far slicker, sharper edge.
I bought the Crock Stick because you can put the scissor blades either side of the rod and push them open once you have the correct angle , if that makes sense? I tried it with knives last night and wasn’t that impressed… I would go for one of these :
A pro chef friend of mine has one and it is very good. You fill it with water to lubricate and it has 3 grades which sharpen and then progressively polish.
I was very careful Jim, I have removed barely anything Made only one pass with them.
Makes note to ask Jim to give knife sharpening lesson at Lopwell.
We’ll see…
Alcohol, fire, and very sharp knives.
What could possibly go wrong?
Sharp knives remind me there has been a lack of daggering going on
I remember those horns you made for Scalford many years ago!
we have the two wheel version for our knives and it works very well although the three wheeled version looks like a worthwhile upgrade,
That is ‘down the rabbit hole sharpening’, right there.
Not bought, but today I’ve nearly finished a smoothing plane I’ve been making. Just need to finish it off with a few coats of shellac (when postie eventually delivers it) and do a bit of tarting up on the finish.
Wow, that looks good.
beech and sycamore?
Possibly the worst dectective programme from the 70s