VW Camper melts

They’re not very big Bob. They’re like a SUV rather than a transporter type van. The guy I know who does VW camper conversions reckons they’re useless for his purposes.

VW and Ford are bringing out a jointly developed van later this year, full ev and hybrid versions, he’s waiting to see what that’s like. Probs nowhere near as stylish though.


They are bigger than the old VW bus, admittedly they do have a fronet though.

The current VW 6 type camper van is v popular, so yes, an electric variant of that will be popular too.

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So this week we spent £10k more than my first house cost on this mobile roadblock:

Claire has been banging on about buying one for years now, and recently found out she had a pension from her previous employer that she could access early with virtually no difference between her taking it now or when she hits 60, thus we now own 4250kg of plywood, fibreglass and upholstery.




Get the horse box on the back and you can request a police escort.


X Factor Omg GIF by X Factor Global

makes calendar note to check classifieds after next summer for clear sign of regret

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Lauren was doing some serious lobbying for us to get a horse transporter thing. It wasn’t hard for us to resist.

Something like this might be in our future though:

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Should still be able to get the horse in the back of that. Chuck a hay bale in & job’s a goodun :+1:

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Does it have a sex pond? Asking for a friend :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


The wife’s cousin and her wife have a brilliant posh VW thing and they seem to go on great tours in it. A whole month in Ireland earlier this year.

It not for me, but they’re both ex-army and possibly more used to accommodation that doesn’t necessarily have hot and cold running Negronis.


It has a nice big fridge freezer and a big cupboard with bottle clips so negronis can definitely be a thing.

She’s planning a couple of weeks around Brittany next summer and fancies doing the North Coast 500 thing too.


It has an external shower connection, so potentially…

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Be great for Lopwell :+1:

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You know you can ride that funny thing attached to the back, in a self propelling way. Might even be more fun that way :grinning:

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Start booking up next years sites, ummmm, now.

You should put the camper van on a trailer and tow it with the motor bike.

I’d love a nice camper van,just not sure it would get much use


Congratulations. That’s a beauty. Claire and I will get one eventually.

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