Wanky car tech

That’s one thing on the Hyundai that’s great. You just go up to the car, push the button on the handle and it opens (assuming you have the key in your pocket).

And when you’re in the car, you push the button to start it. At no time do you need to get your keys out.

It’s probably the ludite in me to be honest, it works perfectly, I’ve just been used to keys for 100 years.

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My new Beamer has a heated steering wheel. Some might consider that wanky but having used it I consider it essential.


I wouldn’t consider it essential, but I do find myself fondling mine on cold days!


Anyone got one?


The Zoe’s keyless entry system doesn’t require a button push on the handle. It just sense the key about your person and unlocks as you get within a meter of the car, anywhere around it.
Which means if your walking past the car with the key in your pocket (in my world that is quite often) it locks and unlocks each time you pass by, including moving the mirrors.

It is very annoying.

A button on the handle makes much more sense, imo.


Etron makes a silly tune like Windows starting up when you switch it on :man_facepalming:

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992 says “Hello Simon” on the display when you get in…dealer said he set it up for me.

I hate the heated steering wheel, dries out my delicate skin.

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You can very probably turn that off in the settings.

The Hyundai bongs like an 80s stoner, with on and off tunes as well.

My MG has that too. Quite handy.


I think they are still being supplied with Honda Jazz and Toyota Yaris cars in Eastbourne.
I think the same company may have also sold the ‘Safety Trilby’ as an alternative.


I think they must share some software with MG.

Oh, and mine won’t go into drive or reverse unless the steering wheel is straight :roll_eyes:

When Auto full beam comes on, not only do I get a blue Full Beam symbol (like normal cars) but also a display covering the digital Speed Indicator telling me the Full Beam is on. Why can’t I be trusted to understand what the blue symbol means ? After all, it doesn’t matter a bean because it will switch itself to normal when it senses head/taillights anyway !!!

Hair trigger boot opening button but no button to close it. A causal glance can activate it and if you are lucky enough to notice you need to trudge your way back across the car park to shut the fcker.

I have none of the above other than the safety cap.

Is it capable of dealing with the sonic boom when you put your foot down in the Astra?


Hat at correct jaunty angle = downforce.


Wanky keyless entry bollocks, is there also a physical key for entry and starting?

Just asking for when I come to buy one of these things used in 7 years time, the key fobs always break and become unobtainable.

On the Duster there is an actual key inside the fob thing.

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