Weight loss jabs

Well since sleep seems to be eluding me this fine Saturday morning I thought I’d do rambling update on my weight loss/ mounjaro journey as there’s probably an audience for it here amongst all you other fat twats.
So I started out at, let’s be kind and call it 175kg as that’s where my scales stop and start screaming in protest. I’ve been on the stuff 6 months and long story short hit 140kg dead on today’s weigh in.

So 35kilos in 6 months. Cost has risen from £150 a month to £189 p/m (with some price matching fuckery). My blood pressure has gone from something that could cut steel if I tapped an artery to the lower end of normal so I’m hoping I can start to drop some of the BP meds soon.
I’m half way to my target of 100kg, I’m expecting a blip over Christmas so I’m thinking I’ll be able to shock fellow beach goers with my saggy man tits next summer but be able to cover them with a t shirt bought from the high st rather than a specialist website that usually deals with camping.
Appetite suppression is not as jarring as it once was which can mean a slight increase in ‘food noise’ but it is still effective on a physical level so meals are smaller and healthier mainly because if I have so little room why eat shitty food.
If you are a chunky bloater like me and want to see your cock again then give it a go.


I’ve been looking at that mounjaro, need to drop from 130kg down to 90kg as I’ve been eating like a cunt since lockdown.

GP told me their practice have decided they won’t fund weight loss jabs for anyone.

Where did you buy it from?

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Was listening to James O Brien’s show yesterday and they did an hour or so on weight loss jabs and their effects; physiological and psychological. One thing that seemed surprising was how the cost per month seemed to ramp up quite sharply as people progressed through the course. Is that because the medication changes or simply because you have to take more of it?

It did also sound as if the weight loss could be too hasty for some bodies to adapt ie loose skin etc. Do you have much control over how rapidly you proceed?

That is quite some achievement, on track for target next summer.

It makes my 5kg loss from 80 to 75 look somewhat modest

Any negative side effects Julian?

…also what size (dosage) pen are you using and how often?

I started on the 2.5ml jab and have increased via 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15. Price started at iirc 145 and is now 220 but they price match with other places so I get a refund back down to 189. So it’s not ramped up too much.

I’ve been using the phlo clinic. https://phloclinic.co.uk/
And have no complaints with them.

Side effects have been pretty minimal, initially a weird ‘everything tastes like raw bacon’ but that doesn’t happen any more and I now have to ensure I get enough fibre in my diet or it’s like shitting a hedgehog. Look into psyllium husk supplements.

It’s an appetite suppressant, you can push through and eat more but that mr creosote feeling comes on at about 25% of what I used to be able to eat. One more wafer theen mint is definitely possible though.
Yes it’s possible to push too hard and get saggy bits but that’s really going to depend on your body, how hard you push etc. At 55 Im lucky to have fairly youthful skin but I suspect I’ll get some droopage that’ll either go away or not. I’m doing it for my health primarily and aesthetics a distant 2nd.

I’ve been lucky and dodged the usual fatty ailments like diabetes, heart issues, strokes, etc. but they were all looming in my future, my bp was very high so 200 a month to lower that (which it has) and reduce the risks of the rest seem like a good deal.

Luckily the wife does all that injection malarkey as she’s a nurse but one trick is, the injection pens come over filled, so a 4 week pen actually contains 5 doses, she’s read up and worked out how to fiddle the pen to use all the medication rather than throwing the last bit away.

She’s reached her goal on the stuff and is moving back down to a minimal maintenance dose so she’s my Guinea pig for when I get to my goal. I’ll update anything she finds.

I’d urge anyone with health conditions caused or made worse by being overweight and finding it tough to lose weight to give it a go.


Are the injections subcutaneous, intramuscular, or i/v?

Subcutaneous, plunged into the flab around my midriff.
I did try my thighs but as every day is leg day when you are a bloater my legs are surprisingly muscular and to be frank it fucking hurt when trying to have the jab done there.

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I’m a fucking cowardly sack of shit around needles, but subcut I can handle, cheers.

And well done with the deflab :+1:


I’m the same, my veins are weird too. With blood pressure as high as mine was I should have the arm veins of a steroid abusing 80’s body builder. But show them a needle and they submerge like a Uboat surrounded by active sonar. They even went so far as to actively eject a cannula when the nurse turned round to get some tape to stick it down with. It was being pushed out of my arm through sheer terror. Thats the only nurse I’ve ever seen a bit freaked out by something they saw.
But yeah the mounjaro needle is like a sharpie, you attach a little 2-3cm needle one end, wind a clicky thing the other, jab and push the plunger.

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Did you try to get the pens on prescription from your GP first, before deciding to buy them online?

Don’t think the NHS is (currently) allowed to prescribe it for anything other than diabetes.

The GP can issue a private prescription but the NHS won’t pay for it. My GP surgery has decided they won’t fund/supply it and my GP won’t issue private prescriptions for it either.

As I’m not in the pre-diabetes range and even though my BMI is 36 my GP said she can’t do anything to help.

Fucking sciatica is murder at the moment so I’m hoping that losing a few stone with mounjaro will allow me to start exercising again as I suspect the root cause of my sciatica is being a porky twat.


Yeah, I struggle to walk any distance because of an arthritic knee. Hips and shoulder aren’t too good either.
I’m not diabetic (or even pre-diabetic) but my BMI is a lot higher than yours and I’m a fair bit older than you.
I think I’ll talk to my GP first (you don’t ask, you don’t get) and take it from there.

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You need to find a wife who isn’t such a good cook :rofl:

Hopefully you’ll have better luck. Not sure why mine was so dismissive, she basically said fuck off as soon as I mentioned mounjaro.

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Yes, she is an excellent cook but It’s not just that - she’s a feeder. She thinks portion size = husband happiness, bless her and I am far too weak willed to stop her.

That’s why I reckon that an appetite suppressant could work very well for me.

Talking to my GP first is not about the dosh - if the NHS won’t prescribe, so be it. I just want to get my doc’s advice/blessing. :+1:


Jan and I can vouch for that!

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Yes, was offered an older type, initially said no then re enquired and was told they’d stopped. doh.
In the end it was easier to go via an online clinic, they supposedly check with your doctors anyway.
There are rumours of the nhs prescribing for very high bmi patients but who knows.

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Took my first dose on Sunday night.

Lack of appetite since tuesday but also a bit of indigestion/heartburn and a weird taste in the mouth after eating. Didn’t think it would take effect this quickly as it says the 2.5mg is just a loading dosage.


Yeah I find the next day up to lunch is ok but then after that the suppression kicks in. The weird taste does go away after a while. I’m on 15mg now and no longer have it.
I was moaning about building up a tolerance to the wife a few days back as I managed to cram half a large pizza down my gullet (old me would finish all but 2 slices and garlic bread and ben and jerrys too) went to waggas last night and ordered a main and starter. Totally failed to eat even half of it. So it’s definitely working.
I wish they’d do ‘mounjaro’ portions at restaurants. :rofl:


Oh I hear you on this - I’d happily pay the same for half the portion size but done with a little more care and attention than the regular menu stuff. One of my few frustrations post having the sleeve done is paying decent money at a restaurant and getting a massive portion of dross.