Weight loss jabs

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Damn I used to have Vitality insurance through my last job. Never mind I can usually get 20% off through price matching or referrals.

Changed jab location from gut to thigh and although I had absolutely no side effects I don’t think it’s as effective at suppressing the appetite.

Yes to all this. Adopting healthy, sustainable habits. Positive attitude. Getting outdoors (this also helps with mental health).
I’ve gained a bit lately but I’m not losing my mind, happens this time every winter. Harder to get my steps in due to weather and craving fat and carbs (again due to weather). 2-3 weeks back on diet and I’ll be in fighting trim.


I too found this, now alternate between left and right under gut flab.
I also found that as a fat fuck, every day is leg day so under a thin veneer of lard my thighs are like tree trunks, I suspect that intramuscular and subcutaneous are not the same for mounjaro

How often do you need to inject?


Lightweights (sic) :grinning:

5 x per day here at the moment :slightly_frowning_face: