What albums have you bought lately?

Dream Unending & Worm - Starpath

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Had a walk around Chesterfield record fair this morning and these fell in my bag.

It was nicely busy.

It’s rare I visit Chesterfield town these days as I haven’t lived near it for over 20 years (though I work on the North side of it).
I used to go in everyday Saturday and was surprised and disappointed to find that Tandy’s has closed :upside_down_face:. Many a happy hour was spent looking at speakers with 15” woofers in my early teens :metal:.


I need to stop going to this shop!

They got a lot of stuff from the BBC auctions!


I thought you wasn’t going, if I’d of known I would of picked you up on the way. The guy with the light blue jacket on the far right isle is me.(not the one with no hair )

Rick and Julian was also there , you must of been hiding from us :rofl:

We spent most of the time in McDonalds drinking coffee and talking bollocks. I bought one record from the fair and 5 from Tallbird record shop .


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I didn’t get there until around 11am ish, probably a bit later, I looked everywhere at least twice for you guys, didn’t know @Rick was going either :man_shrugging:.
McDonald’s would be the last place on earth I’d expect to find you all!
I was pretty sure you’d all buggered off home by now.


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To be honest, we bumped in Rick, we were surprised as well. We probably just missed you then. You need to get out of bed earlier. :rofl:

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Just arrived, and boy it gladdens the blackened husk of my anachronistic heart that it’s arrived in an actual proper jewel-case rather than the usual cheap shiddy card slipcase -

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I’d buy that for the cover alone :star_struck:

I know why I don’t look at this thread often. I’ve looked at getting this on numerous occasions as it’s one of my favourite albums. Really hope I didn’t buy it previously as after seeing this post I took a look online and bought it.

Also picked this up:

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Totes worth it!

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One of quite a few purchased from @MJ2 . Very lively!!

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Thad Jones: Detroit - New York Junction


Pre-ordered this today


Keep enjoying them on 6music then forgetting about them until I wonder who is on I’m enjoying again… and it’s them again!


Kieran Hebden’s back catalogue is pretty impressive these days and I need to get to one of his light shows!

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