What good things have you found on Bandcamp recently?

Toady is 24/2, zwei-vier-zwei, EBM day.

Code ebmday242 on Alfa Matrix on bandcamp gives you 30% off all downloads and a lot of physical releases.

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This is utterly fucking fabulous;


Christ on a bike, is it Bandcamp friday?

My phone hasn’t stopped chirruping since 7.30 :man_facepalming:

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are these

Pay what you like on Bandcamp.

Nice :ok_hand:


Thanks for that Guy. I’ve had a purchase of those myself.

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As ever with these things, it’s a mish-mash of 16/44.1 and 24/44.1


This is the DiN label’s annual free / pay what you like album.

I like it, but it puts me a bind again. I honestly can’t bring myself to type in “0.00” when albums are pay what you like, and I usually end up paying something based on my view of the relative poverty of the artist. It seems pretty arbitrary and possibly wrong.

What do others do? What’s a reasonable price for a full length album that an artist has obviously devoted talent and time to producing?

Or do you just fill your boots for nothing and run away cackling?

It would be nice to have a system that tracked what you actually listened to, and then paid the artists accordingly. So you could set it to £50 per month, say, listen to what you like and your favourite artists get paid the most.

Although I like the idea of having an adjustment for how rich the artist already is.

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Fuck Muse.

And dead people. Fuck them too.

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Oi, that is 70% of my record collection that is!

That hospital bloke got banged up for the rest of his natural for that the other day.

My go to price, for something I’ll probably like, is a fiver.

Dunno if that’s the right level, but …


Me too.

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I quite often pay £1 if it’s a speculative buy but go back and buy more later. I’m not set up stream from Bandcamp to my stereo so I’ll never bother with the mp3 samples

I often paid less if it is a complete guess if I’ll like it or not, but I don’t do that so often now.


Pay what you like.

Genre is “yeah, like Front 242”.

Artoffact label sampler 2021, postpunk goth industrial etc PWYW.

Artoffact Records 2021 Sampler | Artoffact Records

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TBH I don’t understand what this means, but I suspect that it will give some people the chance to cash out, but will be ass for artists and consumers.