What I'm watching (Series 2)

U wot m8?

I had no idea, despite being a fanboi.

Thank you.

Where are you watching it?

The Google rental is SD.

itā€™s a crackingly bonkers film.

You can rent it in HD from Amazon Prime

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DVD download in 1080p :wink:

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No chance Iā€™m letting my missus see thatā€¦ Sheā€™ll be on the next bus to Austria




I went to see that tour.


I did think heā€™d keel over during the ā€˜unsayableā€™ part.

If memory serves, thatā€™s been cut short for TV :joy:

House MD on Amazon Prime.

Pete has been singing itā€™s praises for a long time, so Iā€™m working my way through the whole set.
Itā€™s got Hugh Laurie taking the piss and fit female doctors. Count me in.


Rings of Power.

First Amazon effort I have seen in Dolby Vision.
The opening ten minutes was as natural and real life of any picture I have seen on tv so far. Great effort.

Totally dull episode though.

It gets better!

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North by North West on the iPlayer. Hitchcock 1959. Just great to watch. Clothes, decor, architecture, vehicles. Just very stylish. Good plot too. Cary Grant may be a bit wooden but itā€™s still very entertaining.


Itā€™s just a great film.
Donā€™t overthink it! Itā€™s more dated than wooden I think.

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Donā€™t forget a great score by Bernard Herrmann :ok_hand:

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15 mins in and looks like they have attempted to make the worst Marvel film possible, something that is even worse than DC could spew out.

Worse than The Eternals?

I only got half way through that.

It was disappointing, but nowhere near the shitbomb that dropped with The Eternals. That was fucking dire.