What I'm watching (Series 2)

She’s simultaneously mad as a fish, and brilliant.

Really? I thought it was pretty terrible. Struggled to make it to ep.3 and then gave up. Nice ideas but poor execution and acting.

It does take a bit to settle into itself. Starts to get properly interesting from episode 4, I’d say. I wasn’t sure initially but I went with it, and now I’m really immersed. From reading around it, it does divide people though. I don’t have a problem with the acting, personally. It is a bit stylised, but I guess I expect that from an adaptation taken from a graphic novel. But definitely Dream himself is a bit wooden for the first few episodes, and the character expands as the series progresses. I’m afraid I’m a bit of a philistine, insofar as I’ve never actually got around to reading the book, so I’m coming into the story cold. I think I might have read a bit of it at some point, possibly, as I’m vaguely familiar with some of the concept, but I obviously didn’t get fully into it, if I did.

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I’ve got the comics upstairs having read them when they were first published. I like the series and think its a good representation of the characters and the story.

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I came to the Sandman comics after Alan Moore’s stuff as a teenager. Have to say I was quite underwhelmed even then. Maybe I had too high expectations based on the fuss made over it, or maybe I just greatly preferred Moore’s stuff.

Or maybe as @browellm said above, Gaiman isn’t actually a great writer, although does have good ideas.

Gaiman definitely has a lot of good ideas.

Whether or not you find him a good writer is just down to opinion really. He can’t be a bad writer as he’s written enough books that I’ve been happy to enjoy without thinking ‘interesting but terribly written’.

Is he a ‘great writer’? Don’t really care :man_shrugging:

Not entirely convinced that we’ve seen a really great adaptation for TV yet though.

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Dog, as usual because free on Amazon.

Not mawkish as might be expected, and with some genuine LOL moments.

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Just booked two tickets for the last night of Stewart Lee’s new tour.


I tried an audiobook of his read by him, utter fucking dogshit and has put me right off him.


All The Batshit :+1:


And all the better for it - the parallels with Apocalypse Now are quite striking at times.

It’s remarkable to think it was filmed entirley on a single 35mm film camera he stole from the Munich Film Institute.


1883, the prequel to Yellowstone. Great although verges on misery porn at times. Beautifully shot though.

can’t believe this is 20 yrs old

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We watched the rest of Blonde tonight. Very good if somewhat harrowing story. JFK doesn’t come out of it well. Actually nobody does really. Well worth watching & an amazing performance by Ana de Armas as Norma/Marilyn.

It isn’t supposed to be an accurate bio-pic but is based on a (2000) novel where some aspects of the story are questionable. The author alleged that much of what Monroe actually went through in reality was worse than what is shown in the film.

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Mini Bowie night on Friday


I shall set the recorder for all of that, cheers.

Head On: Rugby, Dementia and Me

Not any more.

Bowie programmes replaced with Loretta Lynn life story.

Hopefully they will reschedule,though I think I’ve seen them all before