What I'm watching (Series 2)

There’s a great moment in the film on that topic. You’ll know when you watch it. :slight_smile:

Bronowski and the Ascent of Man, still a tour de force 50 years after its making. I’m sure some of the theories expressed in it are now OBE, but it is still superb.

Commissioned by David Attenborough when he was head of BBC2.

Must find the Parkinson interview with Bronowski, his telling of his families history and the concentration camps is compelling by all accounts. Parky rates it as the one interview he would save for posterity if that was a choice he had to make.

Lincoln Lawyer S2 - well the first half since second half is due out in August. Meh. The first season was pretty cheesy but it just gets worse. Entertaining enough though.

Mayor of Kingstown S2 - pretty spurious plot to begin with and again just gets worse throughout S2, until I basically fast forwarded the predictable ending that felt like it was from a 90s action film.

Now back to Little Fires Everywhere, which I started ages ago but found too slow moving, but is now welcome respite from the trash above. Then on to the TV remake of Dead Ringers which is supposedly good.

I suspect most of them haven’t, they just want to rant about it.


An epic saga with two main themes. Primarily, his backstory, the science and the putting together of a team & facility to undertake the Manhattan Project. Secondly the labyrinthine politics* surrounding communism in pre WW2 USA & the McCarthyism that followed the war well up to the end of the 50’s. I need to see it again to fully unpick the detail of the politics but overall I really enjoyed it. The spectacle & accompanying tension/soundtrack were immense in Imax and you still come away undecided about the right or wrongness of some of the decisions made.

Some great acting in there too. Recommended.

*Might be worth reading up a little about Lewis Strauss & his feud with Oppenheimer in the 50’s. Not essential but could help.



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Just watched “The British Miracle Meat” on Channel 4 - even if you dislike Greg Wallace as much as I do*, it’s worth seeking out.

[*He’s very much gone-up in my estimation for doing it. FWLIW.]


No I didn’t watch it, but I had no idea the kind of program it really was.

there was an article about it in the grauniad today.

We just finished watching The 6th Commandment (BBC1)

I’ve mostly stopped watching these police procedural type series as they usually involve women getting murdered with characterful but flawed cops trying to unpick what happened.

However, this isn’t one of those & is based on a relatively recent case (that I didn’t recall from the news when it happened). If it had been fiction you might have thought it unbelievable. Well acted too with Timothy Spall & Éanna Hardwicke excelling.


Much like yourself I have been suffering police drama overload but I though this was excellent, especially the acting from Spall and Hardwicke as you pointed out. I never knew anything about the case which was surprising as the location is very close to where I currently live.

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Just started watching The Old Man on Prime. Promising start aided and abetted by Jeff Bridges being on form.


It’s great

It’s excellent. Darkly funny and generally quite deranged. In a good way.


I’m watching Close Encounters with my mum, and we’re both getting somewhat sozzled. Simple times.


Fundador brandy is bringing out some unexpected memories

Mechanic Resurrection

The Stath at his “I’ll mash you up you muntah” imperious finest.

Absolutely atrocious and exactly what I need.


Waiting for the Stath in MEG2

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Blur Radio 2 in concert.
Been really good so far. The band see to be really enjoying themselves.

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