You’re dead to me
Russian / Polish tank horror. All it needs is a giant shark and it would be perfect.
I’m reminded of this
Graham Masterton also edited jazz mags and wrote how-to sex guides, which always struck me as being a bit presumptuous.
Alternative National Treasure in Poland.
Should have been a Meatman basically.
Outstanding performances from Lemmon and Matthau
One of the all-time great comedies.
Arse just done my back by sitting on the floor.
Anyway lying down watching this again.
Keep a look out for it on sky arts if you’ve not seen it.
Great tune
One of my biggest regrets is never seeing Talking Heads in concert.
Same here.
Not to fussed about most American bands,but would have loved to have seen them.
This was very weird. An hour of hunt the spooky tank, then half an hour of the Germans signing their surrender in Berlin and a totally random Hitler popping up to give an ahistoric monologue (dudes, he was dead by that point).
I think I might have needed to have been Russian to appreciate it.
This is a lot better than I expected. I expected oorah USA USA and it’s a bit more nuanced than that.
The Pakistani operative character is a great creation.
I took the kids to see The Meg 2 and really enjoyed it. Obviously it’s terrible, but it ran with its b-movie vibe perfectly, far better than the first, and had lots of lovely nods to the cinematography of Jaws.
Paging @murrayjohnson
Another one I haven’t seen for yonks
Dat end scene
Football final.
This american ref is an absolute cunt with pretty much every foul against england being ignored and then practically applauding spain’s diving.
Doubt she’ll play much extra time either
Not her decision.
The better team won. Well done Spain.
Agree they played better and would have won despite the refs help but still a cunt.