What I'm watching (Series 2)


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Took Sam to Oppenheimer earlier.



WTF has Nicole Kidman done to her face, her lips are sticking out a metre in front of her face.

Otherwise pretty shit, disappointing given Tyler Sheridan’s other shows and scripts.

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She’s ruined.
Looks like a pouting cat and has done for too long.

Bit gutted I was looking forward to this

all very cliched with a weak script and the main character has zero personality.

Sounds like a lazy cash in. Did you stick with it or bail?

Zoe Saldana is good so stuck with it to the middle of ep3

Ahh, I may dip my toe in for conniptions sake.

One of those “several agencies pool their resources to make a multi lingual thriller” things.

Iain Glen lives around the corner so I stalk him, plus that massive Icelandic bloke.

I just looked at the reviews :man_facepalming:t2:

I’m half way through series 1 and it’s better than I expected.

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I fucking hate sky on demand, adverts every 5 mins.

Might get a free months Prime just to watch this


Looking forward to the northern soul one tomorrow on bbc2 at 7.45pm.


Richard Burton… superb performance.

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I feel these two would make a great youtube channel

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How fucking high do you have to be to think that’s a good idea?!