What I'm watching (Series 2)

Sadly I bet they have no plan for where they’re taking this. Enjoying the ride though.

I’d forgotten how unhinged Frank was :grinning:


On again on Thursday night if anyone missed it.
As is The Elephant Man.
BBC 4.

I think watching The Elephant Man again would break me.

The Order on Prime.

Jude Law as a hardened, if slightly damaged FBI agent vs 1980s USA Far Right terrorists, based on a true Story.

Enjoyed this one a lot, the OST ain’t bad either.

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The Arrival (1996) with Charlie Sheen. Alien takeover conspiracy thriller.

Dated, plot full of holes, not great, and not actually the movie I was thinking of. Damned if I know what the actual movie I was looking for was.

Watched this last night.

I hadn’t seen it for 25 years……I think I’ll probably wait longer next time :grinning:.

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I watched it so you don’t have to.


Really Quite Bad.

Also really quite bad, but knows it is, and therefore OK.

Actually, I could ask here and see if anybody remembers it.

It was some sort of alien conspiracy theory and towards the end the only guy who knows about it is on the shoreline talking to (I think) a lady journalist.

Then out of nowhere a kind of huge alien telescope force field zips down out of the sky and sucks either him or her out of existence.

Definitely a “whoa! Didn’t see that one coming!” moment.

Does this rings any bells? Or am I actually recounting a dream?

This one?

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Just went off its tits at the end didn’t it haha


Nearly 30 years ago so unsurprisingly I can’t remember much about it!

How’s that going?

I’m afraid not - I’ve watched Contact more times than I care to admit :rofl:

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I think it was the sequel to the one beginning with c.
Useless, but I know exactly what I am thinking

Edit- one of the cloverfield things?

I’ll try that, cheers. The timing is about right for when I would have seen it.

quiet earth?

Extended solitary has now reached the “World War Z” stage.

I’m also really good at controlling the PS5 disc player now.