Which non-alcoholic beverage are you currantly enjoying?

Promising portable hot,sweet tea making set.

New photo by B 2T

Kale, Spinach, Avocado, Pineapple, Cucumber, Coconut water.

I like it. Wife & son think it tastes & smells like freshly cut grass!


I think I’d might prefer it a bit sweeter but that looks great man!

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Yes, I think they want me to try something more fruit based.

I use lots of spinach and cucumber in them but also include banana, blueberries/cherries and sometimes grapes. I generally use sunflower seeds for protein and fat.


I’ve got a nice bottle of nettle gin that is a bit vegetal on the palate. A double measure would turn that from :face_vomiting: to :heart_eyes:

it would be a bit like bloody Mary, if you added some green Tabasco, some Worcestershire sauce and a stick of celery. Call it a “Green Goddess”

That looks like something that was drained out of an abscess. Are you having a troll??


For full refreshment I suggest lobbing out the Green Goddess and swigging the nettle gin from the neck of the bottle.


Why ? Just why ?



Incidentally I learned that eating raw Kale isn’t supposed to be a great idea. There’s a category of veg that do really need to be cooked (Goitrogenic). But boiling it for 7 minutes deals with that & doesn’t seem to have any negative impact on the taste of this smoothie which I’m still enjoying particularly once refrigerated.

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Far out, man. :star_struck:

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Back from 2018, it lives!

I’ve been drinking the occasional Crodino recently.

A bitter, non-alcoholic aperitif.

Our local Italian deli stocks them, although it looks like you can get them at Sainsbury’s too.