World War 3

@jim in a bath.

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apparently there’s a shit load of gas still in the pipe

So definitely Jim then?

If it were just a crack, or a failed seal (yes, yes, I know, ha ha) then you could imagine the Russians keeping a positive pressure in it to try to limit the flow of seawater in. Of course if they’ve blown a large hole in it then that won’t work.

I’ve never quite understood this approach, it just makes it look obviously false. If they’d try to claim it was 60:40 for example, it would be harder to argue it’s ludicrous.

I would suggest the Ministry’s Main Directorate of Deep-Sea Research (10th Department) might just know what happened. Be a shame to have the capability and not use it👍

It’s the Russian submarine equivalent of the Scunk Works complete with its own operational command.

Sneaky bastards.

I’m more-than-usually hard-of-thinking today: why would RU do this? I mean, they own the pipeline and the gas in it, and they control it. No need to puncture it.

Equally, why would anyone else damage it? Lots of pollution, and it’s not in active use in any case.

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To put more pressure on the EU and to claim it was the Ukraine. Russia can still make money by selling it to India.

the pipeline goes to germany not india and hasn’t been used since august.

My moneys now on a British Submarine captain crashing into it whilst sneaking about.

In three places?

My point is Russia doesn’t need to worry about not selling gas to the EU as it has India happy to buy it.

To date Putin had been able to blame poor maintenance or poor construction, these excuses runs thin after a while.
A big fuck off hole in the pipe under the Baltic will take an age to repair. In the meantime he will either,;blame someone else or blame someone else while making it perfectly clear it was him. It won’t be long before he blames Ukraine.

It may have been unused to date, but it is certainly needed for the future.

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Were you out joyriding again? Go-on, fess-up :joy:

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So I guess that means no negotiation (open or secret) with the EU for quite a while ? It either forces Germany to source its energy elsewhere or, perhaps, the aim is to pressure them to open the valves on Nord Stream 2 - which would be a very public win on Putin’s part ?

Nord2 was also ‘self-coroded’

Russian ‘strategy’ (I use the word for the want of anything else) was for skyrocketing gas prices over winter, sowing dissent in EU states and to ensure that attention turned away from Ukraine and forced them to the negotiating table. Put simply that hasn’t happened. For sure, gas prices are painful and the effect on industry in particular will be hard buuut crucially, gas futures have been dropping sharply over the last three weeks. For all its cuntryness, the market basically priced in no more Russian gas for the forseeable. Demand readjusted and the price is resettling (it means that price massaging in the EU and UK won’t be as expensive as feared).

This is a pretty desperate attempt to spike the market with a ‘no more gas eVar’ threat. Russia can’t rebuild these without help. To break them is terminal unless Europe comes around. It’s early days but- HERE is the three month map of gas prices, including the results of today (they look a bit more spectacular on the 24 hour chart).


Nice one Ed, makes sense :+1:

I mean
 it would help if the UK wasn’t repeatedly smashing itself in the nads :person_facepalming: but the rest of the EU should weather this.


“Engaged with”

A polite way of saying

“Laughing at.”


Engaged as in “toilet lock status”.