Xmas Cockpunches

The Olympics were fun, some good music releases and the Tiger population increased for the first year in decadess and pandas and manatees. The ozone layer is being repaired following the banning of some chemicals over a decade ago. Lots of other good news too.

Apart from that, 2016 was a cunty year.

You forgot this cunt…


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Mad how Yewtree never turned anything up on him.

Indeed. One day…


sorry and I know this is the AA, but I think that is insensitive and unnecessarily provocative…

hmmm maybe you’re CPing the card… and its intentions… in which case ignore me…

As this is the Xmas Cockpunch thread, I think it was fairly obvious Simon.

OTOH, it stands as a reflection of the attitude of 52% of the British population…if you are a Daily Fail reader.

Which is why it’s right to be in the cockpunch thread

I was about to say that was an Oz house until I noticed it has carpet.

This is a common misconception Chris. Polished boards or tiles are all very nice in your Strayan MacMansion, but there is nothing like a few square metres of threadbare and sticky Tretford carpet in the living room to slow down the fucking redbacks, fire ants and white tails. It also gives the dog somewhere to wipe its arse so everyone is a winner.

Back on topic: That fucknugget Farage can do one. I recognise the man is an imbecile but his performance today warrants the usage of a pair of bricks followed by chemical castration to make sure. A lobotomy might also be appropriate. The man is a national embarrassment.


2016 - Brexit regrexit remoaner alt-right fake news virtue signalling snowflake post-truth wankpuffin.


indeed it should have been… but wasn’t initially… eventually I managed 2+2=4 and edited my post

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I doubt they would find anything to actually remove.

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Tesco requires one for this effort…


A mahoosive pile-driver to the feckers at HMRC. Some of you may recall that I am a contractor in the public transport industry: We’ve just been told at work that come the new year we will either have to pay full PAYE or go on Fixed Term Contract at vastly reduced rates. So well done HMRC for instigating this pile of shit - if I was to go FTC then I would be paying less tax than I would if I’d stayed as a contractor and paying my CGT. Pricks!

Looks like some grotty little hand-shandy emporium.

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