Ye olde worlde hi fi corner shoppe

Is that ebay dealer still going?

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Met up with a nice Tannoy engineer today to buy a prototype Tannoy pre (Made in 69 but adapted later on the face plate for cd!) Curious thing though.


No power amp with it?

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Seems funny to think that we were WAY less prudisch and uptight about a bit of fleisch 40 years ago than we are now

In 1978 T+A = advertising adorned with man’n’ladyparts, now it means overpriced Germanic hifi…


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There was one fella who used to get his better half in stocking and suspenders in the HiFi mags back in the late nineties. Can’t remember the name of his shop though.

Only half a Job imho, should have given away pens.


I’ve got a fair few Phaidon cookery books and they do excellent work.

Progressive Audio, can’t remember his name though.

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About time we did an AA book

A history of Audio - Coffee - & Hestons mince pies


I see no mention of Barbecues (safety or otherwise), cunty boots or chav bangles watches, so clearly you are planning a trilogy. The ongoing HCB crisis is deserving of a volume in itself.


Whatever the thrust of the AA book I’m guessing it will mirror it’s online brilliance using the trinity of excellence that is: jeopardy, conflict and fuck all resolution.


Next year’s Xmas best-seller. The perfect gift.


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It’ll never make publication deadlines given the weapons-grade pedantry that is deployed against errors of form (grammar, syntax and spelling etc) let alone against the ferocity of pedantry raised by the content. Imagine trying to write ‘Unsalted butter and where to shove it’ without having a Fatwah declared upon you. Any chapter on ‘Bacon and/or Hot Sauce’ could lead to rioting, and a treatise on HCB flavoured ice cream’ is like to bring prosecution under incitement to hatred legislation.


Just got back from Sainsbury’s where, half way down aisle 7, I was suddenly treated to a promo via the store PA for David Walliams’ The Beast of Buckingham Palace. Oh dear. Dear oh dear. There’s a very bad-taste joke about stocking fillers in there somewhere.



No it wasn’t Dave Harvey. I knew him quite well & neither he nor his wife would’ve been up for that.

I want to say it was someone in NW London somewhere but can’t recall the name.

I remember Conrad from Avid hiring some stunning, scantily clad model to loiter about outside his room at one of the Hammersmith shows & put a picture of her on one of the upstanding banners. Depressingly effective for drawing a crowd at a HiFi Show.

Coincident have quite a few (reasonably decorous) pics of Israel Blume’s squeeze Evie (now Mrs Blume) here Coincident Speaker Technology Show Reports. Variously described as ‘Best Girlfriend’ at CES2008 and ‘Exercise guru Israel Blume and his lovely workout partner …’ at RMAF2010 it’s clear that they’re not bothered by political correctness or otherwise.

Still, it’s nothing new. Harold Leak’s daughter-in-law has already put in an appearance

and there are pictures of his teenage daughter similarly togged up.


Yeah but