Yet another thread for the purposes of awarding a cockpunch

Then you’d work for Audio Note UK.

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Cockpunch for any fucker who mentions ‘thoughts and prayers’ while being pro-firearms.


If thoughts & prayers aren’t working for people actually in a place of worship having thoughts & saying prayers, I don’t hold out much hope for them anywhere else.

Trump’s already saying if only people inside were armed. I suspect the dead police officers were armed.


FFS, how screwed up.

Armed in a church. The US actually deserves Trump.


I disagree - with some hope - no more than Britain deserves Brexit.

I think it’s been too easy to dismiss Trump as an idiot but he’s leading the US, and inevitably, everyone else down a very dangerous path now.

We were in the Doheny Street Synagogue in Budpest on Thursday and their exhibition about what happened to the Hungarian jews before and after WWII is very moving but it’s relevance to what’s happening now is sobering.

One thing I didn’t know was that 1 in 10 of all jews killed during the holocaust were Hungarian - the biggest proportion per nationality.


My friends are Hungarian Jews. Their grandmother was in Auschwitz. She is still alive as far as I know. They moved here after the war.

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we were recently at winchester cathedral for an ordination , beautiful place , and turned a corner to find 2 big burly cops with machine guns on duty

Trump should be pleased, we now have guns in churches.

He probably thinks it / us quaint

As I’m sure @browellm pointed out a while back, Chris Morris foresaw this 20 years ago.

How the fuck does he get to be allowed to enter the USA with his criminal record?


No doubt trump and co are fine bending the rules for certain people.

Trump will likely send AF One for him.

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Derek Mackay, Scottish government Finance Minister for choosing to wear a jacket with three lapel button holes.


I thought he was on bail.

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Maybe so he can wear three poppies :grinning:

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I’ll bet that the blackguard also does up the last button on his waistcoat.

Need @Wayward to tell us what the hell is going on with his lapels.