Your 2022 bucket list

Time it right and you can see what they are (in)famous for.

Add me to the “not die” list please. Especially as I’m due to start collecting my State Pension at the end of February, I am looking forward getting a few years worth of that into my bank account !

And we’ve a holiday due in July that has been postponed three times already in the last 18 months due to Covid. Looking forward to that as well !


My thoughts exactly.:grin::smirk:

Sorry Paul I confess the only thing I know about the Faroes is the Eysturoy-Streymoy tunnel, and the fact we’ll never actually make it there.

I don’t know anything else about the place to understand your post :man_shrugging:t3:

Blood bath and dolphins springs to mind

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Ah well that’s off the list, cunts.


Make a pole lathe

Buy a bigger axe and secure a place with the Northern Axemen.

Work a metric fucktonne of overtime in preparation for resigning.


The usual…
Not die
Keep new job
Lose weight

Other stuff
Sort out garage. This means clearing it out. Adding a cardboard box corral and some work benches.
Keep on top of the garden and sort out the front.
Go on holiday somewhere hot.
Buy more watches.


Have a holiday.

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Host the all-weekend bake-off I was promised 2 years ago.


You could start on it.

I don’t mind you coming around mine for a listen when the government says it is ok to do so, but I will, of course, want to hear your system at some point thereafter.

I got my Furutech power outlet sockets from:

Alex Denyer of Sound Fowndations (yes, w instead of u)
tel: 01189 814 238, Mob: 07710 308768

I then had them put into my wall and wired up to dedicated circuit/switch by:

James Preedy, Design Engineer at Norwich Electrical Co. Ltd.
tel: 01603-488-298. web:

I suspect you are still able to do chippy work?

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To answer the question, my 2022 bucket list;

First on my list is to get the Social Security Administration in the USA to finally start paying me my earned retirement payments (which should have started last April).


It has been a very strange two years: the pandemic, microplastic in every living thing, global warming and extreme weather events, earthquakes, volcanos and pestilence in diverse places, diametrical news (newspapers and television news vs “alternative facts” on the internet) and the global rise of fascist regimes (with the potential loss of democracy looming). As a result, my retirement is not at all going as planned.

My wife and I had planned to travel more but are very grateful that we have have been lucky enough to have lived in, or visited many countries already (great, as long as our memory stays intact).

My retirement instead seems to be centred around listening to records on my upgraded hi fi (what else was I doing with my retirement savings), watching television (that upgraded too) and occasional masked-up trips to the grocery store (living the life or what!).

Any suggestions?

Err…yes, but I’ve not been “on the tools” for about 35 years.
My speciality is watching someone else do it, then pick holes… :joy::joy:


Lose weight / get fit.

Tackle the garden.

Decorate they living room which will in turn allow me to set up / assemble a meagre hifi. ( I’d promised myself I wouldn’t have a system until I’d decorated )

And a holiday which will mean Marley goes on a plane for the first time would be nice. Though I really can’t see that happening for us for another year the way things are.


Fuck knows for actual bucket list level stuff. Likely to be zero. Might buy myself a nice saucepan if things go well.

Things that actually need to happen? Mostly work, and getting the kitchen finished, which is a long way off. It’s also frankly beyond what I can do on my own with any competence at this stage, not least because it’s 1.5 stories internal space, still needs all the insulation / plasterboard doing, and I hate going up ladders.

More of a want list really:

A new kitchen.

A usable back garden.

Redecorate Amy’s room.

Put a hard floor down in the living room, because dog reasons.

Listen to music more.

Go on holiday.

Get a valve amp.

And in my spare time end world hunger…


Fix occasional squeal from one amp.

Build dcb1. Build Pearl2 psu.

Go on more holidays. Bit of caravanning. Bit of pootling about in the Alfa.

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Change my head shell screws to titanium.