Very efficient if you ignore forgetting to bring the pizza dough flour home with you.
Use self raising flour and make sure you put the mozzarella on before the tomato purée
Blackpole? I did the same but have to ‘work’ for a living so haven’t had opportunity to pick mine up yet
Cheers Johnny - I’ll paypal @murrayjohnson £5 plus £3.40 then
Mamma Mia!
There’s no call for bad language
Did someone else take a couple of bags of flour away? I have one spare pair left here but I should have two pairs… Who took some that I am forgetting?
@murrayjohnson taken
@Stepmotheratomicbomb taken
@edd9000 taken by Ritchie
@coco taken by Ritchie
@Jim taken by Ritchie
@J_B Sent today
@crimsondonkey Sent today
@Adpully taken
Did you take some for yourself? @Wayward
122 posts were split to a new topic: Pizza faff
A post was merged into an existing topic: Pizza faff
Quiet in here innit.
Glad to read that @murrayjohnson and @Spider got a paddle upstream. Was there much wildlife on the water? It’s difficult to see much from the paths in the woods.
There was a fair array of different waterfowl including one exotic looking large item with a a red head. Some kind of goose sized bird. A couple of fast moving teams of tiny ducklings skittering along the water lots of ducks & some Canada geese. I think they were a bit surprised that anyone was visiting them. The bank to the East is actually part of the grounds of Buckland Abbey (National Trust) & might only be reached if a visitor opts for the longer walking circuit there. Not many do. I’ve done it once, years ago but hadn’t realised that was the part of the river I was seeing. The bank to the West is also part of the Buckland estate & managed by the forestry commission but none of the paths on that side get very close to the river.
You sure it wasn’t @A_Touch_of_Cloth having a swim?
Thank. I’ll have to take an extra day or two in the area next time and explore.
Paul, how could you.
Anyone else still on weekend withdrawal symptoms?
Work seems very boring this week so far.