Sensor vs Sensor
You really don’t do things by halves!
4/3rds, maybe
Nice shot, atmospheric
Wow, I could literally be there ! Stunning.
Now we’re talking
Very friendly Highland Cow in the Peak District a couple of weekends ago, imagine it looks a bit more windswept now!
Curbar Edge?
Yes! Fantastic walk
If anyone can use 52mm filters I have just put a couple in the Spirit of the Slaughterhouse thread.
Precious giant printer sale fell through (seller stopped responding)
So ended up with an Epson P900
Prints up to 17” wide which covers the usual 16”x20” I print nicely.
No prizes for guessing this one
(not that there’re ever been prizes, but…)
Actually, you can’t see the absolute peak of the Buch…sorry, mountain, cos of the cloud
First thought was Tryffan but I don’t think it’s quite the right profile.
Excellent guess, Murray