All bloody uphill as well
Yes absolutely right Al I’ll ease back in
A post was merged into an existing topic: Any old Pics - replicating google images, one post at a time (Part 2)
Lovely and surreal
Ace. Make a nice print.
That’s a really good pic of a not very photogenic (IMO) bird.
Hard to believe that it was only as recent as 1996 that they first bred in Britain.
Thanks Paul it’s all about the wiggly reeds!
Anyway just behind were sat two Jack Snipe huddled in the reeds, but would they come out? Of course not. It was quiet bird-wise today because of the cold snap but the Barnes wetland centre is still a wonderful little oasis in the metropolis.
Jack Snipe tend to stay put until/unless they’re flushed, sometimes you can get (usually unaware of their presence) within a couple of feet from them before they go.
Mind you, once they do it is a much bigger shock to you than it ever was for them.
Yes, happened to me a couple of times.
Common Snipe are the same. Thousands of the buggers here
A post was merged into an existing topic: Any old Pics - replicating google images, one post at a time (Part 2)
That’s a mighty fine door and frame.
Also, scribble is a fantastic word!
This remote church, which was on a drove road and has no modern road nearer than a couple of fields away, has a saint’s well, where sick children’s clothes were cast on the water. If the clothes floated, the child would recover/live. The clothes sinking meant the opposite.
Also notable is an unusual aisle at right angles to the main aisle and building, I was told to accommodate drovers, who were perhaps not too meticulous about their personal hygiene.