Pakistan i think?
India. Given Brexit we are going back in time to the British Empire; we’ve already gone back to before Partition.
The East Indies ? Hindoostan ?
Last time i visited, Lahore was in Pakistan
Bhulley Audio
Sorry, I was just going along with Adam’s throwback joke. We’ve been calling that part of the world whatever we felt like , despite the people who live there having their own much more legitimate names for it, since we first heard about it.
I think the word you’re looking for is “invaded”
Often that too. To paraphrase Caesar, “I heard about, I marched over, I conquered”.
I think I prefer, “I heard about, I invaded, I fucked it up”
Bit of an oversimplification perhaps ? Standards of living in Roman Britain were a good deal better than when the Romans went home and left us Brits to look after ourselves.
Yes, it was probably the Romans that gave us the idea we should expand this amazing generosity in as many places as possible.
Along with the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings and the Normans. We’ve been conquered in one way and another quite a bit. It used to be a thing.
I was using Caesar to highlight the British approach
Was it really so different from the Roman one, or the Normans ? Imperialism is imperialism. I don’t think the Brits were much better or worse behaved than average. Circumstances just allowed us to cover more square miles and population number than anyone else ever has. We’ve also moved out of more places than anyone before us. It’s very hard to do that, especially if you do it over a short space of time, without factional fighting breaking out to fill the power vacuum. The Romans left the same problems behind. The Normans didn’t because they never left (here, at least).
I was surprised to hear recently that the British occupation of India caused about a 30% drop in GDP there. I had thought that the influx of industrialisation, railways etc had on balance been a good thing, kinda like the Romans bringing roads, sanitation etc. Now I’m not so sure.
Always with these things you don’t have a control, so you can never know whether it was a benefit to the country economically. It’s even harder to tell socially - while we (and the Romans etc) were undoubtedly guilty of shocking crimes against the people there, there’s nothing like an oppressor to unite a country.
Except in India our occupation eventually led to partition.
I’m not sure how much of an influx there was. India has had a very great deal of very basic subsistence farming for a very long time, and it still does.
In a previous job my brother, who’s a retail designer, was involved in a store design contract with a large Indian pharmacy chain. He visited quite a few times and was given an insight into the way things work in most of the country. He said he was surprised, to say the least, to be told that 60% of Indians have never seen money. The advanced parts of the country are very advanced (space programme, nuclear weapons, Nobel science laureates). The rest really isn’t.
Is your 30% figure overall GDP or per capita ? Over what period did the fall occur ?
EDIT: And while this is interesting, what’s it got to do with speakers ?
True, there’s nothing like religion to divide a country…
Were there any other partitions…?
gosh , thanks for that link . i never thought in a million years they would do that . having been all over pakistan and lahore . bagpipes yes , footballs yes , mango`s yes and wonderful trains and buses but hi fi
dread to think how hot those valves get there in summer , you could fry an egg on the pavement
yes, I used to avoid going to S Asia in the summer - mind you avoiding there, meant I was sent to HKG or KL etc