Brexit - Creating a Cuntocracy - Now with 4d chess option

I don’t think he even wants to elected. I think he was just satisfied being leader of the Labour party

So we just need someone somewhere in between Corbyn and Nick Clegg? Should be easy to find, you’d think…

Is Norman Wisdom still alive?

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About as alive as those two…

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Heaven forbid that they start doing that, we’ll be bringing back the death penalty and teaching the three Rs before you bloody know it.

Except that it’s not at current rate of progress. Even ignoring the downright lies the leave campaign came out with about the great things that would happen that are blatantly not going to happen, they all said that “no one was talking about taking the UK out of the single market” which is exactly what Queen Theresa is now saying we are going to do.

Almost all of this stems from the simple fact that when they voted to hold a referendum, Parliament was woefully inadequate at defining what it actually was that people were voting for.


I’m afraid that the two things the voters have to learn are

  1. The real world is way too complex for part-time amateurs to understand even in real time, let alone in advance. So we delegate decisions about the future to a professional government (that’s government with a small g, including both the legislature and the executive) and the electorate holds them to account mostly in retrospect, when there is at least some clarity about whether they’ve made the right decisions or not. This is why a referendum is such a very stupid way of decision-making about issues where there’s significant uncertainty.

  2. Politicians lie (sorry, ‘refine their position once the details become clearer’).

The real mistake* the voters made was to elect a government which had promised a referendum.


*If Brexit turns out to be a success then it won’t have been a mistake of course.

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you old bet hedger you :wink:

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So now we get a white paper. I wonder what the next concession will be.

Probably some words on it :wink:

Well played brexitards. You fucking cunts.



Don’t worry, No Ten has now ruled it out.

Two years to go and we pay twenty percent VAT on goods imported from the EU countries. That will be nice.

Wasn’t that supposed to be included in TTIP?

Seems like a bunch of fake facts people. Fake facts.

The swamp must be drained more.

Presumably they were after some of the 350million a week the NHS will be getting.

20%? That’s what we currently pay, if we leave the EU it will be 17.5%!

Under current rules if you buy from an EU country you pay vat at their rate. Under non EU rules, they don’t charge vat as it’s exported out of the EU, but you get UK vat, which is actually lower than most EU countries.

Of course, there may be processing fees and a small import tariff, but it certainly isn’t a 20% increase like you seem to be implying.

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I hadn’t realised that . So when we leave they will sell to us VAT free and the UK will Government will impose the VAT here? So the only difference I will see as a consumer is the £8 charge the courier will add for administering that. To be honest that admin charge will kill trade in low value items such as records and the like.

Shame that they can’t do the same with the US tax system for higher value items, VAT on their exports is effectively a trade tarrif.

And the duty. And the VAT on the duty (yes, really). Although the cost increase from the pound tanking outweighs all of that.

US stuff is sold with no tax; their sales tax is local only.

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