Brexit - Creating a Cuntocracy - Now with 4d chess option


And the Singapore Standards authorities are unlikey to give him a hard time about claiming to have a ‘digital motor’. (Not that the ASA over here seem to give a shit).


Best thing to come out of brexit yet
A very British Coo

Mark Stewart,Keith Levene.Jah Wobble and Richard Dudanski

At 21.30ish

This could get nasty.



Ahahahahahaha, just got the call at work for volunteers to do a 6 month inter departmental secondment to plan for a no deal Brexit.

Makes you wonder what all of those very expensive private contractors and consultants in the Brexit department have been doing for the last 3 years, bugger all apparently.


Two and a bit months before Brexit??? :exploding_head:

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Proper planning that

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Yup, it will take at least another two to three weeks before anyone moves on secondment.

Patently it’s not a planning role, its a fucking firefighting role and they just need people, lots of them.

PS, I have decided not to volunteer, fuck that for a game.


‘We need volunteers to provide crucial additional capacity on a sinking ship. Who’s in?’.

I’m guessing this means that we’ll expect a six month delay for a referendum followed by mass extinct…sorry hard Brexit.



Worry not, Bob. They’ve been hard a work on the important stuff

Oh, hang on

Another shit cunt…


“Mr Boles said Mr Fox had “never been very good at detail”.”

The spin this morning, from both sides, is excruciating;

Remainers: Dyson is turning his back on UK and is a cunt !
Brexiteers: It’s unfortunate timing, but Dyson is moving his Headquarters to take advantage of the growing demand for his products in S.E.Asia.

THIS is why I have come to the conclusion that another Referendumb will probably give a similar result to the last.

Turkeys for Christmas anyone ?

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Love to know what the bloke on the left is thinking :grin:

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My fear about a second referendum is if, even if remain wins this time, that the result will be just as close as the first one. In which case the brexiteers won’t accept the result and we’ll be arguing this shit forever and a day.