Brexit - Creating a Cuntocracy - Now with 4d chess option

That isn’t the point, and you know it.

Out of interest how should someone like Dennis Skinner have voted? Leave supporting MP of Leave supporting constituency. I’d no more expect him to support deferring Brexit than someone like Mark Francois to support a peoples vote.

As opposed to supporting May, which is what it amounts to.

All this tells me is that Labour are just as big cunts as the Tories. Keep pretending otherwise, though.

If only Brexit was an entirely party political issue. It’d be so much simpler.

Keep deflecting. It not like anyone’s noticed.

Corbyn Labour are basically an utter fail. They offer nothing as an alternative.

You still haven’t grasped the relatively simple concept of a majority government :grinning:

You still haven’t grasped the concept of effective opposition. Nor has Corby and his clown posse, to be fair.


What about Kate Hoey? Strong remain constituency, and she voted against the delay amendments etc

Theresa May is a better example. Remain supporting MP of a Remain constituency pushing this through. I’m sure Hoey would represent the DUP in Vauxhall if she could.

More deflecting.

Give up while you’re behind.

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Fucking scabs, eh?

And SOOO much this


Surprised that Bolsover isn’t on that list. Must have abstained.

Looking forward to May getting told to fuck off re the backstop again tomorrow.

Well Theresa, wear that unicorn horn with pride.

Europe may notice you’ve got no clothes on.

I think the James O’Brien analysis linked to earlier is probably accurate.

Magic beans wins.

Are Labour

  • Worthless Brexit enabling turds
  • Playing 4d chess

0 voters

On we go. Are you a secret Tory Pete? You can tell us. :grinning:

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He aready told her this on the blower at lunchtime today. I’d be surprised if they wait til tomorrow to tell her again

No. I had hoped that would offer a realistic alternative, so I’m just extremely disappointed in how utterly ineffective Labour are. I genuinely had high hopes that corbyn would offer some kind of solution.