Brexit - Creating a Cuntocracy - Now with 4d chess option

Think they’ve missed an opportunity to ask the EU for hoverboards too. The browellm Amendment.


Did you know it is possible to see what a waste of space Labour are without being a Tory?


I can see that theirs and the SNP’s & the Lib Dems options are somewhat limited as a minority.

Of course they are split just as the Tories are hence the comment about it not exactly being a party political issue.

I see you haven’t voted for 4d chess. :rofl:

With or without Brexit I’d rather have them & the SNP in coalition running the country than the Tories & Duppers. It isn’t complicated really.

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Well, that ain’t going to happen without a GE and tha just isn’t in the cards.

The middle ground like me will not forgive them for enabling Brexit. I’m most likely better off under the Tories anyway.

Well fill yer boots & vote for them next time. They’ve been great for the last 9 years.

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And Labour offer what? (Not that I would vote Tory, so what does that leave me with, except for a bad taste?)

No excuse for not holding the government clusterfuck to account in a remotely effective & forensic manner
No excuse for repeatedly telling untruths no better than the many Tory untruths
No excuse for the leaders office doing everthing and anything to squirm out of conference having a say in Brexit policy, and subsequent attempts to misconstrue its mandate
I could go on for quite some time, but I’l finish with…No excuse for Barry Gardiner

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It’d be too easy to put pictures of the whole Tory front bench up but I can’t be arsed.

And Labour were so much better before that?

Apart from the Iraq war, yes. Much better.


Except we know the Tories are mostly all cunts. Labour are supposed to be better.

Go on, how is Corby going to realize his socialist utopia when Brexit fucks the economy to hell? Yeah, not happening.

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I agree that it’s not complicated: I’d prefer one government cycle of the Green / Moster Raving Loony Alliance Party who kept the UK together, and in the EU than a ‘Labour’ government who saw Brexit as an oppourtnity to reshape the country in Trotsky’s eye

One can be fixed next time around at the ballot box, the other is several generations of uneccesary suffering for those who can least mitigate its effects. A fact that the consitiuents of the 13 Labour scabs ought to have borne in mind.

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Can be asked of any party. They are all going to find it a challenge.

What’s more interesting is what will any of them do to try & address the issues that caused the Brexit vote. ie rebalancing the country.

I’d have some respect if they came out and said Brexit will be a cluster fuck. Try and educate people now.

But Corbyn hates the EU for (albeit different) ideological reasons, just as much as the Tories.

I won’t forgive him for enabling Brexit. It’s that simple for me. And I bet I’m not alone.


And PFIs and getting rid of the gold reserves.

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Having watched the EU happily fall into line behind Trump & his coup this week I also have my doubts sometimes.

I shouldn’t worry. We now appear to have stolen Venezuela’s gold this week.

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