Brexit - Creating a Cuntocracy - Now with 4d chess option

The Tories wheel him out when they don’t want controversy, same with the ex consultant twat face failed PM Hague.

As ex leader of the party I do get the feeling that every time he looks at May the inner IDS is just a seething mass of frustration and anger thinking “It should have been me”



When exactly did you lead the party? Are you, in fact, William Hague incognito ?


He’s got the hair. :grinning:


I’ll take your word for that. He does, however speak sense from time to time, so on reflection he probably isn’t William Hague.

A definiitve answer of whether he has or hasn’t shared a hotel room with a 25 year old aide would surely quash this uncertainity one way or another.

Meanwhile: it’s clearly gonna be a day of WTF, but this is one hell of a climbdown at the beginning of the day from Dim Davies. I imagine he’ll confuse himself by lunchtime, remembering that it’s near identifcal to the text he agreed in 17 and subsequently shunned …but this isn’t a very a good sign



What a day

The Mail’s comments section is in meltdown this morning, they really don’t know how to interpret it. :grinning:

On the other hand the official spokesperson for Brexit has tweeted:

Is this thread just a copy and paste job of the Guardian live feed?

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My last one was from the BBC live feed. It has just appeared on the Grauniad now.

Not from the BBC or Guardian:

Effectively: Nothing has changed.

EDIT: It is on the Guardian and BBC now :slightly_smiling_face:

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Murray could liven things up by posting a few screenshots of his posts on Mail Online.

Or The Canary

There’s no way Arlene buys this (Cox letter to cabinet)

Meanwhile, some common sense as always from Sam Lowe. The greatest mystery of this whole nonesense is how Brexiteers keep snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

That last point (19) rips May’s assertion to shreds.

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Yeah, he seems to have decided not to allow his name to die on this particular hill

Yeah he has put in a lot of political, rather than legal, stuff, but since it’s legal advice he can’t not say para 19

Exactly, as it would ultimately hinge on political as well as legal decisions and intepretations.

Quite why so many of our MP s best educated (if not brightest) have been cowering behind Cox’s judgement is beyond me

The DUP appear to be polishing up the megaphone prior to roaring their traditional response at the Government.

All together now…"ULSTER SAYS NO!"
