I was watching the pro Brexit Tory fuckwit Kwasi Kwarteng on tv yesterday. Still banging on about how the doom mongers had got it all wrong and how everything was going swimmingly. I should drop him a line really & ask him to reimburse me the extra 20% everything I’ve purchased in Dollars, Euros or Yen has cost me since last June. Since it’ll be such a trifling amount, I’m sure it’ll be but loose change to that cunt.
I’m surprised the Brexiteers are criticising him over this. They ought to be encouraging him. If anything was guaranteed to ensure the failure of a campaign then having him fronting it must be it.
I think that the idea prosecuted by the Brexiteers (and Trump) that they won the vote so debate should stop, or is undemocratic and an insult to the people is worth denying to the bitter end. It is really, really disappointing that an champion of undemocratic behaviour has decided to weigh in as he is simply too easy a target.
For example, an utter twunt like IDS can say the following: "What he really means is that he wants the British people to keep on being asked the same question again and again and again until they get it right. It just shows how arrogant and out of touch he and his friends in the political elite are. It’s complete nonsense.
“I suppose he learnt this disregard for democracy over the last few years from the friends he was advising in Kazakhstan.”
The first bit is rubbish as it implies that loosing the vote must imply the debate should stop (it shouldn’t IDS you git). However, the second bit is true, even if it is the pot calling the kettle black.
He’s absolutely spot on, and in fact he went with the will of the people in 2003, every fucker that voted Labour put him there again in 2007, knowing full well what he’d done.
I do love the way Labour voters try and wash their hands of Iraq as if they (and indeed parliament) weren’t in support of Blair all along. I am sure they (and Tory voters) will do the same when the Brexit shithouse they voted for goes to ratshit too.
I’m not sure whether he is gearing up to launch a new party, or to try to retake Labour, or just to fight Brexit (or, more cynically, just to keep his PR profile high)
I’m not sure it would’ve been the will of the people had they been told the truth at the time or at least been made aware of how sketchy the intelligence actually was. Lies, spin & scaremongering earned Parliament’s approval for that war.