sovereignty blah blah blah control blah blah blah borders blah blah blah
sovereignty blah blah blah control blah blah blah borders blah blah blah
Lost 1/3 of my business due to Brexit. This has impinged upon my morning N’duja blini banquet. Fuck you: smallmanislandtards.
Needed to set up an Irish company to continue much of my business, just a load of extra costs
Worked well for small businesses, eh ? FFS !
Bloody forun plants, comimg over 'ere, taking our soil and rain, fucking liberty I say blah blah blah…
They can certainly have our rain!
You forgot about the blue passports.
Yeah, the blue passports we could have had at any time while we were still in the EU.
Those blue passports.
The ones made in France? Those blue passports?
Dutch elm disease
Horse chestnut bleeding canker
Horse chestnut leaf miner
Ash dieback
Acute oak decline
Box moth
Vine weevil
Lily beetle
Sweet chestnut blight
Xylella fastidiosa (bacterium)
Emerald ash borer
Oak and Pine processionary moths
Asian and Citrus longhorn beetles
Dothistroma fungal blight of Scots pine
Bronze birch borer
Spruce bark beetle
Rowan ringspot virus
Oak lace bug
Plane wilt
Hazel and Chestnut gall wasps
Phytophthora 3x species (killing assorted evergreens off)
Sirrococcus tsugi (killing off cedars)
^ all foreign imports - and there are thousands of others - which are decimating native and parkland trees, shrubs and bushes, due to our lack of biosecurity bringing plants in from overseas.
Changes to biosecurity regs are the chief issue in reality.
So gonna put this one down as a Brexit benefit, even if it’s not actually the EU at fault in the first place…
That’s the spirit.
Yes, the blue passports we could have had years ago, now made in France.
Those ones.
Makes me feel so proud to be British.
Or something.
I had never heard of these until a couple of years ago when benches near oak trees in a little park in a posh village in Surrey near where I worked, (so thinking about it that must be before Covid), suddenly sprouted signs warning of Processionary Moths and potential risk to human health
Apparently Brexit is not a religion.
Surprised she didn’t claim it as a disability