Care at home

While I don’t wholly disagree, this case seems - from the information available - to be one of straightforward negligence.

We also have no means to address this directly to the government that is inflicting death-by-a-thousand-cutbacks on the NHS &c. - and if we take no action when authorities are negligent, then that government can continue to claim it is doing a great job - vile collection of murderous vermin that they are…

It’s nuanced but the important detail (for me anyway) is this;

My girlfriend’s father was discharged to return home in mid November. He was terminally ill (he died on December 30th) and, at the time it did feel rushed. The thing is that the hospital had put a care plan together, explained it to my GF and family, and- all power to them- this plan held up correctly to the very end. I’m sure it was simpler to do when the projected outcome wasn’t open ended (it was, in some ways impressive he made it to the end of December) but this is the bit that really should have been there rather than ‘he’s your problem now, enjoy!’

I’m sorry this happened Jim, it does sound like you and your family did your level best.

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Both fair enough, I’m just wary of kicking the people at the sharp end when so much is not their fault. The lack of care plan is poor, although who knows how many cases these people are supposed to be handling now and how much pressure they are under to shift people on. It is very hit-and-miss, some areas are brilliant and some are very much not, as are the individuals of course.

There’s a lot of truth in this. When we were trying to get my step-dad into a care home we liaised with a specialist SS ‘discharge’ unit which was implanted in the actual hospital. Conversations took place through a sliding-glass window. A couple of times we found ourselves speaking to a new face and when we asked about our previous contact they said “she’s resigned” or “she’s on long-term sick leave”. One afternoon I remember the chat being interrupted by what looked like an emotional breakdown at one of the desks in the office behind the window (weeping, head in hands, colleagues gathering round to offer comfort …). Certainly not a job I could do. Cameron and Osborne, and let’s not forget Hunt, have a lot to answer for.

Ann’s tried to call the Norfolk & Norwich hospital twice this morning to check how he is. No luck getting through to anyone though, just transferred around between endlessly ringing/unanswered extensions… :frowning:
Not the same hospital that fucked up the discharge btw - that was King’s Lynne.
The waiting for news is just intollerably shit, especially for Ann. :unamused:


Thinking of you both. I hope Ann’s uncle gets through it. He’s in the best place to get the care he needs anyhow.

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That’s terrible Jim, so sorry you are both going through this.

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Norfolk & Norwich have declared a ‘critical incident’, I suspect that they are running on empty regarding staffing. A nurse friend of ours who normally works in the community has been called in to work at Ipswich hospital, she described the situation as ‘skeleton staff’.
Hope that things work out ok, I can’t imagine how difficult it is for NHS staff at the moment.

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Tough to deal with all this Jim and seems quite awful that he was discharged in such a condition without a care plan. Hope you get some communication with the hospital soon, thoughts are with you all.

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Sorry to hear this Jim. Thinking of you and your family.

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Best wishes to you both (and Unc, of course)

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Most saddened to hear this news Jim , at least he is returned to hospital care , sounds like you have a mighty fine GP at your back. Thinking of you all .

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Ann finally got through on the phone to N&N - the doctor she spoke with (unsurprisingly not the same one as 3am this morning) said that there’s been little change. They’ve not yet been able to stabilise the internal bleed, (which this doctor says is from his small intestine, rather than his kidney) He’s had three blood transfusions today but is still hanging in there. :crossed_fingers:


Sending all our best to you Ann and Uncle.


All the best to you guys @Jim :+1:

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When calling for updates on my Dad I found the afternoons were best, the mornings are taken up with rounds and procedures, there seems to a bit more time in the afternoon.

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Sorry to hear all this bad news.

Best wishes

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Sorry I never picked up on this earlier Jim - best wishes to you all.

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Same here Jim, all the very best to you Ann and your uncle.

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We had a further update from the hospital this morning. The doctor said they’ve got the internal bleeding sorted, but Uncle’s lung/breathing issues have not improved and he now has another complication - he has stopped being able to swallow.
Doctor added that Uncle is still very alert and strong mentally and is insisting they continue to treat/medicate him. However the consensus among the team is that further treatment might be pointless.
They are to take a decision tomorrow morning whether to withdraw further medication in favour of “just keeping him comfortable”