Computer games and that

Nintendo Switch and Zelda :heart_eyes:. Goodbye every spare fucking moment including sleep!


I’ve been playing this since release on the WII U, I haven’t been listening to my hifi/music that much, it’s a very engrossing game indeed. Have fun.

I’ve been doing similar with Mass Effect: Andromeda recently. So immersive and such good fun.

I have to say that Nintendo have produced something very interesting and with plenty of promise. Its a docked console that you can pick up and use as a handheld thanks to the innovative joypad design.

It’ll probably die on its arse because you can’t port all the usual PS and Xbox stuff over onto it and software companies won’t want to spend time on it versus the bigger platforms.

Still, so far this looks to be the best Zelda yet.

Nintendo have only really been about their games, if i do get a Switch later in the year it will be just for the few games they produce alone.

I’m glad they delayed the release of Zelda Breath of the Wild, having been influenced by games like Skyrim with it’s open world/physics based nature, a good move on Nintendo’s part.

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You’ll love joystick then :grinning:

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I used to have one of these back in the day, I used to play with it all day…


Me too - Kick Off 2 was, and still is, the best football game ever.


No, that’s Sensible Soccer!



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I once commissioned a game called Sierra soccer, it was pretty dire iirc… lol

Yes, it was :scream:

It was made by one lad in his bedroom, and it showed… :dizzy_face:

Ah those were the days :thumbsup:

Must get another PlayStation so I can get everybody’s golf again

Wipeout coming to the PS4 in June.

I need to book a few months off.

If I close my eyes I can picture some of the tracks from the first wipeout on PS1. The soundtrack was pretty awesome too.

I’ve never been hugely into gaming but there were some titles I really enjoyed playing on the Playstation back in the 90s. So this week I tried out a Playstation emulator running on a windows PC. It works great. I’ve been playing Colin McRae Rally 2.0 more than I should be!

I suggest ePSXe Starter Pack 1.9.25 for a quick and easy set-up (windows PC). Or you can get nerdy and configure the necessary bios and plugins yourself.

Gran Turismo and Colin McRae were my favs on the PS1!

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