Driverless - would you dare?

Rhubarb raspberry pie? You can’t say no to dat



The general argument’s very convincing, but on a point of (this) detail a few minutes Googling suggests the automotive sector’s global annual revenue is about 4 trillion USD whereas commercial aerospace’s global annual revenue is ‘only’ about 0.4 trillion USD. So the car people have about 10 times as much money to start with as the plane people. Of course, how they both choose to spend it is what matters …

Perhaps I should have used the word ‘wont’. Car firms are notoriously stingy.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I’ve still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission. And I want to help you. Dave, stop. Stop, will you? Stop, Dave. Will you stop, Dave? Stop, Dave. I’m afraid. I’m afraid, Dave. Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it . . .


I wonder how much the number plate HAL 1 would cost?


HAL 9000 :nerd_face:




Be ready to take over, stay alert by watching TV🙂 ZZZzzzz.

Interesting about insurance.

That’s an utterly stupid idea.

Found the comment in the video that “if the driver doesn’t respond the car will automatically pull over to the side as stopping in the lane is too dangerous”

The example they gave was approaching road works where the driver has to take control, how does that work with smart motorways where the laybys are now 1.5 miles apart?

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And what happens when 10-20% (I guessed that number) of the cars approaching an obstacle all decide to ‘pull over to the side’ at the same place ?

Good luck finding more than 1.5 miles between roadworks these days.

Stupid and dangerous idea. If cars travel at 37 mph in the inside lane, lorries will block lanes 2 and 3 at 56 mph making the money spent converting to 4 lane motorways totally wasted.

Of course training for anyone wanting to use one of these Skynet guided missiles :slightly_smiling_face: is out of the question.

I wonder what insurance premiums will be like?
Sponsored by car tech giants to start with I guess…

Tis the future.

Given how unreliable things like Car Play are, self-driving cars scare the crap out of me. Imagine the impact of a Boeing Maxx type mess but on millions of cars instead of a few hundred planes

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On the other hand self-driving cars can’t be any worse than an awful lot of drivers out there at the moment.

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Its rare that all the drivers do the same daft thing at the same time. Imagine the fog detector has a bug and causes all the cars and HGVs to speed up…

Laughs in M25.

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Thing is, we’re kind of equipped to deal with other people’s bad driving.

The problem with automation in general is it’s usually accompanied by ‘the system’ taking away our ability to deal with issues. So when things go wrong, and they always, always, always do, people can no longer work around them. Not least because some people won’t even remember how to drive.

It will happen, I am sure all the same protests came in when it was decided to remove the requirement to have a man walking in front of a motorised vehicle with a red flag.
I really don’t enjoy driving that much so am looking forward to the day we are all in self driving cars.