eBay stuff (Part 2)

Koetsu Urushi Gold here for £1800

Probably a stupid question, but is there any credible third party that can service these since the company is effectively no-more?

This guy, Joseph Long, seems capable and also has access to fancy cantilevers & diamonds. His insta shows a lot of rebuilds including much exotica.


Heartening :+1:

It’s a while since I spoke to him (Munich about 6 years ago!) but this guy used to offer a rebuild service.

His own carts are exceptionally good too.

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Would either of these mentioned cart fettlers be suitable for a Supex 900 Super, or indeed is this idea even worth consideration?

Groovetickler has done various Supexs if you look through his insta. No idea what he’d charge but he could probably return it at a higher spec than original if desired. He does give details of how the repaired cartridge is performing, channel separation etc.

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I’d be a little cautious here - the Koetsu he did for a friend was a little bonding happy

It is a thing with all sorts of restos. It may work very well, and look very well, but it won’t be the same.

Anyone I know?

Yes, talk in the week.

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Not as nice looking as @Myrman’s beauts.


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Surrounds on the bass drivers look like they’re starting to go the way that Jim’s ones went - i.e. fucked.

Wonder if it’s the ozone from the plasma tweeter?

I have a recollection from my GCSE chemistry teacher that it’s ozone that fucks up the orange rubber pipes we used on bunsen burners - wouldn’t surprise me if the speaker surrounds aren’t a million miles away chemically, so the increased ozone from the tweeter would likely speed up the degredation.

Ozone fucks people up too. Yay toxic speakers that slowly kill you while you listen.

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You mean like @MGOwner 's :rofl:


Different method, with far more suffering involved.


I hate you lot :unamused:


Sure does. ISTR asking @Jim if he ever smelt it but I think the plasma’s deep enough inside the tweeter that little gas seeps out. If it were present in concentrations high enough to age rubber then I’d worry about my lungs too.

Ozone does destroy rubber though. When I was a graduate student my post-doc and I set about making some liquid ozone once (really bad idea for many, many reasons). When we’d finished with it we let it boil off and then pumped the gas away. That destroyed all the rubber seals in the vacuum pump.

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I vaguely recall you could smell it up close. I think the Acapella tweeter uses a quartz tube as a catalyst to try to break it down, but it’s never going to be 100%

Personally I wouldn’t use them as I think they’re a health hazard for long term use.