EBay twattery - scams in disguise!

Only in a BIG way ! :joy:


Thanks, very helpful actually -

in economic terms therefore you’re buying unseen (through a ‘trusted, protected channel’) and as long as the goods are as described then there is no recourse to return, unless you allow that. The sales process definitely does not include testing out or auditioning i.e. ‘to see if I like them’. Retailers offer that option in differing ways, but the price point is set accordingly…to accommodate browsing, advice and the like.

Being a business-person I should have been able to work this out, but I was thinking personally rather than commercially.

In short, I’ll tell him to pay up or fuck off.


Quick update - person above who wanted demo

‘What’s your best price?’
‘EBay won’t let me send contact details to come and listen - any suggestions?’
(Me) on holiday so no answer - him ‘Hello?’ (rude…)
‘Sorry - I don’t do demos haven’t got the time - pay for them and you can have listen before packing them up’
‘I’m in London next week - how about £3500 cash?’
‘No sorry too low and I’d prefer eBay payment rather than cash’.
‘Ok so what’s your best price?’

Simple question - how do I best get rid of this fucker? :wink:

Isn’t it possible to just block him/her?


You can block people on eBay easily enough

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I’ve had to block a couple of people on eBay, been ages since I really used it for selling, though I am considering it as the forums seem to be breeding idiots too….

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Yes that’s what I wondered Paul tbh it’s a right pain having someone like this dogging you - plus I’m super busy and stressed with work, a house purchase and putting my Dad into a home so it’s the last thing I need.

I’ll just tell him I don’t care for his attitude I guess :relieved:


Tell him that you’ve vetted him for suitability as a potential purchaser but he has not met the standard and being rejected without appeal. Then block him or maybe wait just to be entertained by his response :smile:


Ha ha considered that but I spend enough time dispatching twats in my business, so I just blocked him :smiling_face:


Tsk tsk. No sense of fun or adventure.

We should set an ‘AA common courtesy standard’ as we obviously occupy the moral high ground on most matters of importance :grin:

Put the price up by £500 each post.


This (at least the character type) Rings all sorts of bells.

It will end badly. Block, stop responding etc.


Absolutely of a type - do business with people you like :+1:

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We used to share the ebay names of problem buyers on a few forums to try and block as many PITAs as possible. I’ll never know if I averted disaster by adding other peoples blocked buyers to my list but it was by no means fool proof… There are a great many cunts in the world


You called?


Meatmen are cunty not cuntish.

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