Embarrassing food you know is shit but still secretly crave

I can’t believe that nobody has mentioned Apericubes. I hand-carry these back every time I go to continental Europe, since they’re tricky to find in the UK.

Only the plain “natural” ones, mind. The flavoured ones are gopping.

Yup, same sort of category as cheese singles.

Old Peculier

Really, it is



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Calm down, calm down…

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Not in Dublin they aren’t.

On my trips home from Sweden I used to fill the car with Fray Bentos steak and kidney pies, Banana Angel Delight, Vimto and Warburtons Medium Sliced bread.

Brings back lovely memories. Going back to Sweden next year.

Yes, but only the cordial (fizzy stuff is rank).

Aye, only the cordial.

My tastes have now changed to the no sugar added Ribena. Like it hot or cold.


Are they that much cheaper in Sweden?


Very cheap in Sweden, they don’t want that unhealthy shit when they can have rotting fish :grinning:

Oreos, particularly the ‘double filling’ ones,

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Cheetos are good, but you must try to get your hands on some of these . . .

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I need those.

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Do Americans still eat Cracker Barrel

When I worked at the px in the early 80s,that was the main thing they had for lunch

Cracker Barrel cheese is indeed still a thing. I use it on burgers or to make grilled cheese sandwiches.

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Is an anagram of vomit.


Have you tried these Ed - they’re lush and come in greedy bastard sized bags (not that I’m implying your a greedy bastard of course)

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Baby cocks in Aspic. Nice.