
How to hat:


Anything else is a pose by a wannabe :+1:


Change of season, change of hats.

Replacing things that have fallen apart or got so filthy that they achieved self-awareness.

I’m gratified to find that both Barbour and Kangol do their best sellers in all sizes S/M/L/XL/Freak so have indulged in a new Barbour bucket hat, a Barbour waxed flat cap and a classic Kangol 504 all in XXL/63cm.

Barbour’s own web site is good for their stuff. The own-brand Kangol site is some central European depository that wanted €16 for shipping a single hat, so I went to Village Hats who cost less and don’t charge for shipping.


In an excellent example of virtue signalling, all I use is a TarpHat. It’s made of reused tarpaulins from Brazil (probably off lorries hauling logs from the rainforest), and it acts as both sun hat and rain hat. I never need to think about which hat to wear.

TarpHat DerpHat :wink:


Sorry, just been scrolling back through this thread, I hadn’t noticed your picture.

Sebastian Horsley, sadly no longer with us.

I have two hats: a grimy original Tilley from longer-ago than I care to recall, which has travelled the World with me and now keeps the rain (and very occasional sun) out of my eyes; and a waterproof beanie/Benny-from-Xroads job which is warmer and stuff-in-pocketable, but a mite less effective.

Fed up with rampant bonceism that means that literally nobody makes a bucket hat for your supersized gourd?

Look no further than Mike at the Long Shot Experiment in Manchester.

Can you make this one

in 63cm?

“No problem, I’m making one in 66cm this week” (now that’s a melon!). Fits absolutely bob-on, despite being rather scaled up. Dead chuffed.

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While I’m here, somehow a docker cap / watch cap seems to have become my “personal style signifier”.

Because of the usual prejudice :angry: you can usually only get them with a wanky expandable band and even that doesn’t fit me. However Bullani in Bamberg make them in 1cm increments

and Breiter in Munich have a sign in the window that basically says “yeah, this is about the only place you can buy them”.

Bought a couple more last weekend. I have wool for winter, linen for summer and leather for the


The last one should be your ‘impressionist painter’ look.

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A couple more “Paper Boy” caps acquired…

Total of 5 at the moment.


All I need now is the absinthe addiction and the sexual hang-ups.

Oh, shit, no, wait :laughing:


With a soupçon of ‘skirting board painter’?



Thought they were Baker Boy caps?

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The expense here! I recently bought a hat for less than ÂŁ2 from Temu :laughing:


No Uyghur slave labour involved there then. No Siree :roll_eyes:

I have often grieved the demise of the Tricorn hat.


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More Triffid than Tricorn…

Very Bridgewater :ok_hand:


Fuck off ! Wore them long before the program that I have never seen.

I style myself after Bob Crowe doncha know.

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