
I’ve just found out that there’s the National Stone Museum fairly close to where I’m staying, and there’s no way I’m missing out on that


I bet it rocks.


Teaser for @murrayjohnson


I bet it makes a concrete case for aggregated results. gets coat

I assume @octh has been. It has the millennium wall, which shows all the different regional dry stone wall building techniques used in the UK. Gotta love that kind of thing!

Bugger ! I can’t ban you :rage:

sudo apt-get update

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rm -rf *.*

Do it properly :rofl:

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Unix pedants incoming in 3, 2 …

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Quite. :grimacing:

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I’m guessing . is something I picked up that’s Windows command line and not unix in that case.

When windows people try to do unix. :rofl:

In my defence, I’ve never typed that into an actual Unix command line. I am blaming (yet another) temporary case of The Dumb

Eating squid and red tuna, the first night is going well


Looks idyllic.

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Since they demolished the steelworks I always thought that Redcar lost a little bit of its charm.


Redcar. Of course.

And there was I assuming that this

Not Runcorn then

was the underside of the road deck on this

at high tide.

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We know he was in Monaco and we know he had a helicopter ride but we don’t know if that ride was a simple jolly or another leg of the journey.

Without spending hours trying to geolocate that bit of coast in the Med another clue might help :grinning:

I’ll do a lunch clue in the style of the former ZiggyMarley.


This morning I was reading about the Red Bull hospitality barge aka Energy Centre. Was that there this time?