I’m huge fan of Sóller and the hiking around the Serra tramuntana!
I’ve cycled most of it. The whole northern mountain range and most towns along it.
Puig, sa calobra, great fun.
Devon was nice the other week, some from the site we stopped at.
Amy new delicious friends.
It was a last minute cancellation, so was a bit of a rush getting ready, but we got there!
A few more from Devon.
The best ‘icecream’ I’ve ever had from here, heaven, Totnes.
Different types of transport.
Bit of a climb up Hay Tor.
Stone railway for taking rock from the quarry.
That one in the sand would make a great card
Did they have a head count after your visit?
Not been to Paignton for years,felt horrible last time I went
Hate that place, the coastguard office was behind the rubbish tip and used to stink in the summer
I will never go back to Paignton, I think that clears up what I think of the place……
Wandered over to Södermalm for our tea. Much cooler than it was back in the day.
Then some of the less touristy bits of the old town.
One of my favourite cities on this planet.
Worked at Nacka Strand for a few months in 2000.
I left there at some point in 2000 iirc. First time back.
Would highly recommend anyone to visit.
Not really a holiday, but having got my mx5 back after 6 months (it was having work done and then I moved house), I’m down in Cheshire for a track day!
Off to Crete for 10 days tomorrow.
0640 flight from Terminal 5, so staying in the Sofitel tonight.
Rovinj Croatia. Again:sunny: