JBL cinema speakers?

Thanks to hoops in the ebay thread, I may be about to embark on a ruinous folly.

Local-ish sale of JBL Professional 4639 and matching horn hf (3 available). There are also a pair of 4645C subwoofers. Condition looks very clean and they have allegedly had 5 years use 3 days/week in a small local cinema. Seller is keen to move them all on together which is fine apart from being left with a single redundant 4639/horn and at least one redundant large subwoofer.

So before I do something really stupid, does the hive mind have any thoughts on what these might be like to live with in a domestic setting? Room is 3.8m x 4.2m. Amps are a Pass Aleph 3 or BAT VK-60, both of which sound good but may not play well with these speakers. The subs would certainly need some brute force amps of their own as well as crossovers and maybe eq if I used them at all.

There’s an awful lot of relevant experience and knowledge here so all input is welcome.


As long as they have the crossovers could be worth a go.

They are roughly $2500 each new. Both amps will be fine.

You dont really need brute force amps for the subs, its a 97db sensitive 18" driver. 100-200w of class d will do the job fine. Maybe get a Hypex plate amp with the dsp built in.


The only relevant experience I can offer having done much the same recently, is if in doubt, just go for it :grinning:

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for inspiration :+1:


Agree on the watts, you do however want a high damping factor amp to stop and start that huge driver fast.
Put a usual hifi valve amp or even any normal hifi amp on it and it will flap about more hopelessly than it should.
The Hypex I looked at didn’t quote damping factor (always rings alarm bells)… but might be fine as that’s their bread and butter you’d think.
Other good PA amps factor 250 and up will do the job.
Worth trying to match the driver requirements to the amp.

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Don’t get the horn - BE the horn.


Multi Exit Horn

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I was thinking of driver control more than outright volume when I said brute force amp. In fact, I’m also wondering how much that might also apply to the 15s in the main enclosures?

That’s a nice subtle set up:grin:

Definitely, right amps for the right driver applications… 4 / 5 way here you come🙂


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There were a nice pair of jbl amps on pfm going cheap a while back, worth a look


I saw them earlier today, sold. Would have been ideal!

How annoying, they haven’t shifted in months it seems, cheap too

Hopefully something else will pop up, mucho cool points for the jbl pro system

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All JBL would have been nice for sure.

First unsolved headache is wtf would I do with the speakers I don’t use? Because obviously I’d buy all 5, like a twat…




Krix Speakers

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Local-ish was slightly optimistic. 250 miles later, I have JBLs: 3x 4622N and 2x 4645C. I also had slightly too small a vehicle so will have to visit again to collect one of the subs. Luckily I’ll be travelling south for work next week so will be able to detour and collect on my way home using somebody else’s fuel. Nothing further to report tonight as I haven’t unloaded the van yet due to torrential rain and a slight case of OMFG, where am i going to put these damn things.
I’m already seeing upgrade possibilities with crossover component quality and eventually HF drivers.


Would be nice to see how these cope with the Settle lounge this year, just saying…


I need to see if they’re house-trainable in my lounge before they’re allowed out in public :grin: