....more armchair politics (Part 2)

Does this mean that it might go through with the help of Labour? That would be funny. I think it would be better for Labour to do that, and split the Tory party, than cause it to fail. Better to sever the ERG than to bolster them.

The Met is taking a right kicking tonight. The only people fully supporting the report’s findings appears to be the Police Federation. The other staff bodies, senior leadership and the Home Sec are already cherry picking the report.

Star Chamber, Spartans, hard man of Brexit.

Just piss off with your pirate names.

What are you, like, 8?

I read the whole report today whilst on a 136 constant watch.

Rather alarming reading at times, especially as I come from a 50/50 male female team and have never witnessed any homophobia, sexism, racism etc.

Outside of that, the report is pretty clear that austerity and the cuts to police have had a huge impact on crime rates, public perception of the police efficacy, neighbourhood policing etc.


You can see why the top brass fucking hate it. I haven’t read it, nor the Lawrence report, but many are saying issues identified back then are still prevalent today. Be interesting to see how many of the recomendations are acted on and its impact on forces outside the Met.

Assume that’s a cell watch you’re on?

Hospital for someone sectioned, they were very calm and relaxed so good timing to read the report.

Yep, it’s mostly issues with lack of local lower management like sergeants and inspectors. No independent analysis of people applying for roles so old boys club get to pick. No central standardised misconduct system. Stuff like that which is all top brass to sort and stuff I’m surprised at, if my local county bumpkin force can do those I have no idea how the met can’t with the resources and money they have compared to us.


Have you served in the Met for more than a year or two?

Well that and the racist and misogynistic police officers in the Met. I don’t see how budget cuts can justify the institutionalised racism that has been in the met police for a very very long time.


I don’t work for the met.

I was not associating austerity and racism. I was separating them in what I was saying, just like the report.

The Met is clearly about to be broken into several smaller forces, but I suspect there’s more to this than just that. The Met was famous for its racism and bigotry 40+ years ago when I knew some cops (from other forces) personally, plus one who was desperate to get in to the Met exactly because of their then stormtrooper image. Nothing new; awful, but not new. Yet suddenly it’s big news. Reeks of scene-setting and stage-management to me.

So is this going to be the beginning of privatised policing? Standard tory dogma requires they first break public institutions by starving them of resources and wantonly mismanaging them. So that’s Stage 1 well-and-truly completed. Stage 2 then requires that they demonise the public body with a series of scandals. Well that bit’s clearly well underway thanks to the Met’s own enthusiastic participation. Stage 3 involves enquiries that inevitably find the private sector could run things better - and so the next step are semi-privatised QUANGOs, assorted ‘trusts’ and ‘boards’ and ‘consultants’, pockets are lined, more cuts are made - and soon all the police (in this instance) can manage is keeping politicians and their million/billionaire mates alive in a post apocalyptic wasteland

Well, slight exaggeration

I think this is broadly where this shit is heading





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Very funny indeed.

Was at a concert last week, call it serendipity, but this song fits the Conservatives and that previous FĂŒhrerin of the Met in equal measure.

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Worse still if they follow the US model of politicising the whole service with elected sheriff equivalents :man_facepalming:. That will suit their infantile obsession with enabling mob justice.

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good point
 as if I wasn’t already depressed enough

CWS very much on-point today


He’s combed his hair and is splitting hairs over rules and guidance. Guilty as fuck.

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