....more armchair politics (Part 2)

Opening a coal mine again in 2022? Strange that some people see that as progress.

They are planning a workhouse for poor children in 2023.

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OK, so I’ve now read this book

I can recommend it. It was a good read - plenty of detail, clearly explained and they really achieved some remarkable things, often in the face of scepticism and sometimes even of hostility. As far as the “What would we eat if every farmer did this ?” question goes, it really only comes up twice in the book.

Firstly, at the end of the Introduction, she says that the charity, Rewilding Britain, aims to have 300,000 hectares wilded by 2030 and at least 1 million hectares done by 2120 or so. If (‘worst’ case) that was all previously farmed then it would be roughly 2% of the farmland by the end of this decade rising to about 6.5% in a hundred years. So actually it isn’t going to wipe out British farming, and it seems likely that the ground chosen would, like her estate, be land on which it was hard to make money through farming.

Secondly, at the end of chapter 7, she has 5 pages or so on whether we can still feed everyone if we lose a significant amount of farmland. The whole argument is too long to copy out here, but she starts out by claiming that the world could feed 10 billion people with the food it grows now. But instead we waste a third of what we produce. She says “This would have been unconscionable during the Second World War.” She also reckons we feed too much of what we grow to animals, which we then eat. We should eat less meat. Her final point about the developed world is that we are eating too much anyway, and it is making us obese. In the developing world they lose food to waste because of poor infrastructure - storage, transport, retail.

Her bottom line is we could easily ‘afford’ rewilding if we were to be a bit more frugal (waste less), less picky (eat more veg and less meat) and less greedy (stay slim).

As far as I can see we wouldn’t have to do very much at all in these regards to free up the space Rewilding Britain is after. Unfortunately, the world over, things seem to be going the other way. The developing world aspires to join us in our bad habits. And we have seen since the book was published that the well-oiled economic machine which allowed foreign suppliers to undercut Isabella Tree’s farming business is surprisingly fragile. All it took was for trade to be disrupted by human illness, and production and supply to be cut at the whim of a dictator who’s insecure about the size of his political dick, and all of a sudden there are gaps on first-world supermarket shelves and nurses in tears because they can’t buy food at the end of their seriously overworked day. We shouldn’t be blasĂ© about our food security. We’ve seen it threatened.



At least a wank sock is useful.



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A decent person would have chosen to do this before going on a jolly to Australia to eat kangaroo offal.

Oh; I seem to have spelled ‘cunt’ wrong.


Scroll up :point_up_2:t3:

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Nein :rofl:

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I read that this morning.
An awful lot of detail for a ‘nothing to see here’ summary denial from Mone.

She has to go to prison, doesn’t she? Could it happen?

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Well, definitely ‘should do’.

But I think if you’re connected enough to be able to grift £20m off the taxpayer then you’re connected enough to dodge a spell in chokey.

She’s the fall guy for the whole sordid VIP lane robbery. She’ll get sent down while the rest of them slide under the radar scot free, because she’s the self made grifter rather than the ones born into it.


Nothing will happen to her. This story will be made to go-away in due course.

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Listening to an old fella on the radio yesterday. His living room is 3 centigrade, no heating, 3 layers of clothes and an electric blanket is how he lives. Can’t afford to use the oven. The extra money he got goes on food.

I’d last less than a week like that, he’ll be doing this until april.

How the fuck are single mums with kids coping?