Notes from a remote island

You could just about get a brewery in there :smirk:

Big enough. You could stack a few johnniebabies in there. :slight_smile:

Nice job and quick!

A sturdy affair! No point in taking prisoners if they run off eh?

More like.

Looks promising for your next holiday :thinking:

Wouldn’t a distillery be more cost effective?

Bed and Breakfast?

Mission control?

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It would depend on your fuel source :face_with_monocle:

And the attitude to “government overheads”…

Yeah, their inspectors visit here every week…


What’s peat’s specific energy (J/kg) ?

Can’t find it

Pah ! Amateurs :roll_eyes:

17.7 MJ/kg

Without a much bigger plant or an inefficient still, it’s best to go with a fuel supplying at least 21MJ/kg.

Oh well :grin:

There’s a ton of coal in the fuel store

A still is a logical step then. A small business opportunity in artisan Gin (whisky takes too much time) beckons.