Now there was a life well-lived. RIP
We had The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy from Company B for my mother (she had a very good war).
Respect to Worcester crem for managing to fish that one out.
Fucking Jerry Springer RIP
A Strayan icon (it’s not unreasonable to assign the label)…
The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald and The Canadian Railroad Trilogy were epics in the story telling genre.
He was a great songwriter.
“Gordon Lightfoot died without ever having made a bad song, every time I listened to one of them I wished that it would last forever”
Bob Dylan
That’s pretty high praise indeed.
I remember going to see Sunderland at Old Trafford that year when we were both in the old 2nd division. They played that before the match started and I have never heard any PA system at a football match sound louder, it really was deafening.
We wuz robbed btw
59 posts were split to a new topic: Rest In Peace Dave
That is sad news.