Park like a cunt (and other driving fuckwittery)

Gonna be fun when the ground becomes wet and muddy!


Classic, probably due to the tight space :cowboy_hat_face:

Carked it rather than parked it

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Could also feature in the shit number plate thread + motoring horrors + people that should be imprisoned for being generally offensive threads


You’d think they could afford some tyres.

Fucking disgrace of a human being decides that charging his car is of such vital importance that it outweighs the risk of laying down a trip hazard. Selfish cunt.


Tch ! Cones obviate any risk donchaknow.

I know you’re joking Terry but this sort of selfishness really riles me up. The cone is actually an additional hazard for any blind pedestrian.

Exactly, so don’t really need the lecture thanks.

Not lecturing you. Just venting.

It isn’t as if there are options for doing it properly.


I’m lucky if I can park outside my house in the evening.

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As is the wheelie bin. Am sure a white stick will pick either out. As for the cable, looks like he has run it in some conduit, although could do with being twice as wide. This will become more widespread until Councils start type approving either permanent or removeavle conduits.

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Yeah right…

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Bet he calls it The Beemer…


Manspreading. Nightmare to sit next to at the opera or on the bus. Points deducted for nonpersonalised numberplate.

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Unless it was a present for VGK’s birthday in FEB.

Mebbe. Every silver lining has a cloud.

This cunt, stopped our building work this morning as skip wagon couldn’t get past